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Show BLACK HAWK BAS EIRE (HONDA! (iOLDKN HULI'.HTOIti; AND STOCK (KIRS UP IN P!AMi:S. Sevcniy-Tvvo Itiuulml Dollar Insilr-niuv Insilr-niuv On Stock ami Two Thousaml ii,. ..-. . flr TtiriN lln,Mi Controlled Ity J. W. Stringer, formerly for-merly of llcttcr, Hut Now of Provo. fire nt lllnck Hawk, which broke out last Monday midnight, destrojed the building occupied by tho Oolden Hula store together wilh a stock of general merchandise. The structure wn a two-story frnme, the lower floor being occupied by the store nnd the upper floor for living room of the manager. Tho building wn owned by Sieve Dlumentl nnd wn Insured with Arthur Ar-thur J. I.co of Price for two thousand dollar. J. W. Stringer, formerly of the Ilrokcn Dollar store at Helper, wa the principal owner of tho tock of merchandise. The merchandise wn stock valued nt nround eight thou-entv-two hundred dollars. Stringer nnd his nssoilntes, who reside re-side at Provo, also have a stock at Helper and another at Puyson. The lllnck Hawk store and other of the Stringer concern hnvo no connection with tho Golden Itule' chain or eighty-three store conducted by the J. C. Penney company. The lllack Hawk concern carried a Insured with a Provo agency for sev- sand dollars. It I claimeu. uusiness had not been good there for a considerable consid-erable time, owing to slack work at the mines. The store burned was located lo-cated about a mile east of the coal camp proper The local manager of the store, living liv-ing on the second floor, lost his household house-hold good und considerable wearing apparel of himself and family. |