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Show Railway Age in discussing tho Eastland horror, hor-ror, when a thousand lives were lost, calls attention atten-tion to the fact that never in their history did all the railways of the United States kill as many as n thousand passengers In a singlo year. The conclusion is reached that the risk of a passenger's passen-ger's being killed in a train accident is several times less than the risk of his being killed in a vessel dlsastor. Statistics ns to travel by water aro incomplete, but from figures at hand tho Age declares that tho total number of passengers carried by tho steamships in tho ten years, li)0G-191't, li)0G-191't, inclusive, was .'1,388,00,268, and the total number of both passongors and members of crows killed was 3972. The total number of passongors carried by the railways was 9,252,-1G0,7'I0, 9,252,-1G0,7'I0, and the total passengers and employos killed was 8832. Tho steamships carried only 3G.G per cent as many passengers, and killed -M.7 per cent an many passengers nnd employes ns the railways. There are too ninny accidents, however, on land, lake, river nnd ocean, nnd it is nn undeniable fact thnt many of them are duo to curelessness. Imprisonment of tho captain of the General Slocum ought to have been a sufficient suffi-cient warning to all those who are now under indictment in-dictment for the Eastland disoster. Unfortunately, Unfortun-ately, greed got tho better of common sense. |