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Show AN APPKAI. IS I'll. Ill) IIY lawhos, sTitiKi: i,rii:u DISNVI'.lt. Aug. J All appeal to tho Colorado miptemo court wa filed toda) by uttnrnej for John It. lMt-eon. lMt-eon. former coal atrlke lHiiler. convicted con-victed if the murder of John Nlmmo, 11 deputy )i. riff. A petition wna filed for a nrlt of error and n auiicmedena to ta) the execution of Ihe pentenee of life ImprlMinment, pronounced by Judge (Imnby lllllyvr In the dUtrlct court of Im Anlma county. Iiuatin a conxlcted May Id of find drgruo murder, the cnao griming out of a battle between Mrlklng coal miner and deputy herlff nt Ludlow, Lud-low, October 51. 1913. The appeal make the Mine allegation of error thnt were made In the upplloatlon for a new trial recently denied by Judge 11111 cr. Among the charge In-, In-, eluded Ihe affidavit of drover Mall, a member of the Jury, who claim that he wa Induced to convent to 11 verdict ver-dict of guilty by coercive meaiaire aald to have been emplocd by Prank (looilen, a bailiff. The Colorado auprcme court already ha before It it petition for u writ of prohibition to bar Judge lllllyer from prcldliig nt future trial growing out of toal xtrlke dlnorder. |