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Show iiislHY HERE TOMORROW; FIELDS OF VftLLEYJO BE VISITER Tomorrow. Haturdn). uguat 7lh Wll lu" "armer. Day for the I'i re ellatrlct U I hoped to havo It oh- erve'l I') h ' '" ,,U'L"ralvoT of tho clt) having a repreaenta ve In tho crowd that will h8 "'"'" " bod) to tho farm of the I rice liver Valle). which It l thought lllulrato tho agricultural '' that are. nt thl tlmo In procw- 'f aolu ton Kver) automobile ovvnei I re-nuentcd re-nuentcd to' bring hi. or her car to Main and Ninth rtn.u ; l "' kr tho forenoon where the imrtlea for tho trip aro to I e made up and a .linrd to convonncea. CJaruge and nu tomoblle owner n" "J x f II 60 will bo the charge for the tr P Hober II Stewart, farm ilimon.tr tor. ha prepared tho Itlneror) laje t lo nteraectlon of Main and Ninth Jtrce u at .15 o'cloek In the ntornlnf. Kulng to the Ur, farm of John T. How- lev at Bprlng Olen On the return trip Ihe farm of Oliver T Harmon and II O Mathl. nre to be vUlted Thenco to the fruit orchard of H ' Bmlth at Price crowing the r her and ttolng to the beet fhild of I. .O Iloff-mann Iloff-mann and Frank tfrowo VUlta will bo made to adjoining beet farm ami alo thoae of Harr) llarnea and other. I After viewing num.rou tract of land owner under the Price Hlver Irrigation ).tem "top will bo made at AD Maclean place, oaat of ,V'rlw The farm of Ha PraiuUen 'and tho late lDrum Krandaen will bo aeen the parlle klng (nm Jim "' To W-llniton vl-ltlng the field of I A i Mamhall II. P Johnn S0-nam S0-nam June Melvln Draper and othem. I All ha make the trip are advlttd L .rovWe their own lunshe oJhe IS vvllUe unobtainable en roui |