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Show HULK OF rill: WOOL (LIP OF Tlllt! F KTVTI-S SOLD Prautlcull) ull Idaho, Utah nnd Nevada wool has been shipped Fast to the large wool bu)eru with tho exception ex-ception of a qunntlt) In the Idnho triangle, tri-angle, which Is the Wood Hlvir country coun-try Wool bu)ur have, offered ns high as thlrt) cents a pound for wool In the triangle, but some of tha growers grow-ers Insist on holding their wool In ox-pectatlon ox-pectatlon of an advance In prices. W. Montle awlmi of Ilobw made the record rec-ord i ale dutlng the past week, 426,-000 426,-000 pounds, but tho prlco was nut made public The greater part of the clip was located In Fastern Oregon and Ow)he count), Idaho AH Nevada wool hus been cleaned up As alt this wool Is shipped to lloston b) a combination rail and water wa-ter route It was announced lart Hal urda) nt Halt Uike fit) b) railroad men that what wool Is left In Nevada Is known us 'short wool" nnd would In nil prohahlllt) be shipped to the I'm If lo Coast for use there. As to Utah, It Is said b) some wool bii)ers that several large clips nro Inline In-line held In the southern part of the state for an Incrraso In price |