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Show IIIHH SCHOOL Mill ttormy (urn ml I tunic (live HI Opinion In Omit n Matlir, In the opinion or lbert It Hurne. nttorney ginrral, the ruling recently made that students over III yeur or age could not he Imlilded In the ten-run ten-run or the high school students will not make uuy material difference In the apportionment of high school funda rrom tho atnte school fund to the vernl aehool district. The ruling made hy Attorney Oen-iral Oen-iral llarnea vva In regard to the Og-den Og-den high aehool, whlih heretofore ha nindiu ti d a night school where adult made up n large portion of the student. stu-dent. I In rue said the ruling would of course, uffett all district, hut a tlie percentage affected would ho nlHitit lho smile In nil district It would not nil nee or Inureaso the up-jiortlonmciiit up-jiortlonmciiit in nny dlstrlit to nny great extent Mthough thl law hua tuen In force ror aome time, thl la the first time that there haa been a ruling In the matter making It nectoMary hereafter for school district to count only my-denta my-denta under 18 year or age In making u the leimuK |