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Show li W) Ing WimiI Sale. fllKMWNB. V)o. Jul) 30 One of thn largert. If not the largest, wool sales made In V)omlng this )rar was concluded toda when U' II. Adams of Fremont, N'eh, purchased the Hwan Ijind and I'attlo compnns clip of six hundred tl oumind pounds for twent) two rents u pound The purchase prlie was u hundred and thlrD-two thousand dollars. Tho Hwan lompun). hitter known as the 'Two liar Outfit," Is one of the old time big cattle concerns which went Into shiep a few ears ngn when the profits obtainable from that branch or the live stock Industry In W) inning hi came apparent The votnpuii) now Is one of the hi av lest holders of shiep In the stale, hut con-tlnuis con-tlnuis to run man) cattle Adams, who Is nn Independent Inner, this )rur has secured a number of the lirger Wyoming clips In compo-tltlon compo-tltlon with riprescntatlves of Kastcrn commliwlon houses. |