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Show Surprise Party Honors Calvin Walker Friday A very unusual surprise party, honored former Bishop Calvin Walker on Friday evening, when more than 65 members of what was formerly the Third ward, went to the LDS Temple session. Most of the group, from thc.3rd and 6th wards were of a group who made a sililar trip with Calvin while he was Bishop of the Third, so the party was called an anniversary party of that day. They enjoyed the session at the temple and then surprised Bishop Walker, with a well prepared dinner din-ner part3r at LaVerle's Cafe in Murray. In this jolly party were the former for-mer bishopric of the 3rd ward, Calvin Walker, Theodore Rees, Bryan Fugal and their wives; the present bishopric Willis Banks, Parley Christianson, Glade Hilton, and their wives and the bishopric of the 6th ward G. Albert Spencer, Eugene Bezzant and George Smith and wives. The very nice affair was arranged arran-ged by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sor-enson, Sor-enson, chairman of the genalogical committee- of the 3rd ward. All in all there were 17 couples and four singles from the 3rd ward; seven couples and six singles sing-les from the 6th ward, besides other friends and relatives. |