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Show - - - - . -i f ; LOOK FRESH! , V ... J FREE JOINTER or JIGSAW WITH SHOPSMiTH ALL FOR $23950 TRI-STATE LUMBER CO. American Fork NO ONE BUT NECCHI-ELNA Con Give You All Four 1 SERVICE The finest service from 2,300 dealers throughout the United States. 7 ni!AR AKJTFF ,& X- y "V Drink a glass of milk f 4 with every meal milk . I helps keep you at your I "- vibrant best. i xv 1 L-fcwi It UTAH MILK FOUNDATION : ATTENTION CAR -OWNERS Repair Work on All Makes and Models Automobiles We Are Now Equipped to Give You Complete Automotive Service On Your Car We Have Just Acquired the Services of , PETE SUTCH and CLYDE ROBINSON as our Body Shop Repairmen BOB TAYLOR wants his friends to know that they can now have their cars TUNE DUP with new complete 1 "SUN'! TUNE-UP equipment. See Us . . . Try Us . . . ROY J. BEIOWN MOTOR .CO,--- Your Mercury Dealer Phone 433 American Fork ' tm i . I in .IU.II I 111! I r -i..,. .. ii CLASSIFIED FOR SALE G.E. Electric Range, like new, $150. Phone 4471, June Chomiak, 143 East 4th N. P.G. FOR RENT Furnished Apartment Apart-ment 60 West Center, Pleasant Grove. FOR SALE Used Gas Range, $10.00 Call P. G. 2831 60 West Center. WANTED TO BUY Used baby Crib and mattress in good conditionCall con-ditionCall P. G. 5364. LOST English Pointer spayed female dog. White with orange spots. Liberal reward for return of dog or information leading to its recovery. Notify Joe Christiansen Phone 5620, Pleasant Grove. FOR RENT A.partment, single or double. Gas for heating and cooking. Call Burton Adams, P.G. 5193. FOR RENT 3-Room Modem Apt. partly furnished, Phone 5806, 212 East 5th So. FOR SALE . 3-Bedroom Brick Home.Almost new, one acre of land. Phone 105W, Am. Fork. FOR SALE White Treadle Sewing Sew-ing Machine. Excellent condition $25.00. 635 East Center Street PG LOST A Red Cashmere Sweater, near high school last Friday night. Finder call 3130. Reward. FOR RENT Apartment, Call The approval of the United Unit-ed States Testing Co. plus a without time limit guarantee guar-antee from the Necchi Sewing Machine Co. 3 RATED The finest -by recent Inde-dependent Inde-dependent Research Co. Survey. 4 AUTOMATIC The only fully automatic sewing machine. See them yourself at 34 East Main American Fork Phone 27 NECCHI-ELNA Service and Dependability GUNTHER'S AMERICAN FORK PHONE 607 (Advertisement) LOANS AUTO FURNITURE SIGNATURE Geneva Finance I American Fork oimj, .Burton i. Aaams. FOR SALE Baled hay and Straw, Phone 5372 or 5620. FOR SALE New 3-Bedroom Home, 1200 sq. feet, full basement, base-ment, 1 acre, Robert Monson, Ph. 8413, P.G. FOR SALE 1948 Chev Aero, radio, ra-dio, heater, spotlight, good rubber, rub-ber, Phone 6632, P.G. FOR SALE Storm Roors, aluminum alum-inum awnings and fancy railing, Call Mrs. Dezzie Wootton, 3406 for an estimate on your storm doors, awnings, and fancy railings. TWO LUCKY PEOPLE can take over small monthly payments on Necchi Sewing Machine. For further fur-ther information, phone 27, American Am-erican Fork. SEWER CONNECTIONS Complete Com-plete Installation, or Trenching, Call Peterson B: os, P.G. 8021 (3-1) FOR SALE Upright Freezer, 8 cu. ft. Don Stubbs, 3882. NECCHI SEWING MACHINE Take over small monthly payments. pay-ments. New machine guarantee. Phone 752 J, American Fork. WILL TEND CHILDREN Five Days a week. Barbara Adams, Phone 3270. ARE OIL HEATING Costs High? Faulty adjustments waste fuel. Complete adjustment service, $5.00 Call Lee Pitts for furnace, appliance, appli-ance, refrigeration, electrrical service, ser-vice, Pleasant Grove, Ph. 3201. COAL Best quality lump and treated slack. Terms are cash. Free delivery. Phone Lee Dickey, 4861 P. G. HOG SERVICE Purebred Hampshire Hamp-shire Boar, Telephone Am. Fork 088J1. y Nj, -J; l J2- -rr ft ' Sdn - & i ' v " s?mmi xa ; 'xf .mr a-, , i , , irtv-"- rt-wrttt A Ilia The way I figure it ADS make JOBS!" 'KX I V Take me. I m an aircraft worker. And take this ad. It tells people 'X. ..J how much time and money they can save by flying. Advertising like this is one big reason why air transportation has just about tripled in the past ten years I And it's a big reason why there are more airplanes to build, more work for people like me, more money going into the pockets of everyone in the West. And more people flying helps keep the fares down, too. Maybe you've noticed that airline fares have stayed at about their 1939 level. Fact is, in coach fares, they're lower. The way I figure it, advertising air travel or advertising 'most anything else helps all of us. Advertising Helps You Live Detter for Lessi Advertising Recognition Week, February 19-25 This advertisement sponsored bu: ATWOOD REALTY & INSURANCE CO. 385 S. Main Srreef Phone 2591 Pleasant Grove Member of Multiple Listing We Have Buyers For 2-Bedroom Homes, 3-Bedroom Homes, Lots, Acreage, Large or Small Business Property, a Tavern, We need Your Listings for These People New 3-Bedroom See us for your new 3-Bedrocm, 1 Vz Bath, oversized garage, gar-age, Landscaped, sewer, gas, city water, curb and gutter, Oiled curb to curb, and large lots. Ultra Modern Can you imagine a 1200 sq. ft. New Home with full basement, base-ment, perimeter heating, rubber tile in kitchen and bath, tile in bedrooms, carpeted living room and hall, an amazing amaz-ing amount of cupboard and storage space, carport, and on 1 acre in county? 2-Bedroom Frame Home On Vi acre lot, sewer, gas, sprinkler system, all floors covered wall to wall, garage, horse barn, alum, awnings. Farms Business Property - Lots Insurance - Bonds - Notary Public KEPT FOR SERVICE Buck Ram Call 3189, Reed Orton. AUTO INSURANCE at Special Low Rates for Careful Drivers. No membership fees. Excellent claim service. Call JESS MONSON INS. AGENCY, tel. 5591 or 135 East Center, Provo, Tel. FR 3-3360 SEWER LINES, Water Lines. Septic Tanks, and footings excavated. exca-vated. Pipe laying for all types of water and sewage lines. Financing arranged. Call J. F. Ollivier, 2162. Pleasant Grove. LET US INSULATE YOUR HOME Call John S. Green for Information, Phone 8661. |