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Show 24 YEARS AGO In the Review From the filot of the Ktwicw Friday, Frhrtuiry 17, 1933 The issue of the Review for Friday, Fri-day, Feb. 10, was missing from the 1933-34 bound volume. In order to keep our dates straight for the remainder re-mainder of the current year, we are running below the column "10 Years Ago," which appeared in the Fob. 17, 1933 issue. 31 Years Ago Tlie old folks outing and ward reunion at Lindon Ward was held last Tuesday. A. H. Lowe was chairman of 'the committee in charge. The play 'Lighthouse Nan' was presented in the evening, and very much enjoyed by old and young alike. 34 Years Ago The old po:;ple of Pleasant Grove were entertained royally last Wednesday. Wed-nesday. Alexander Bullock, 86, the oldest man in town was honored. Mrs. Christina Chrislensen, 89, received re-ceived a flowering plant for being the oldest woman resident. F. S. Humphries made the presentations. W. L. Hayes was master of ceremonies. cere-monies. 34 Years Agoi Word has been received of the birth of a baby ginl to Guy and Dot Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Richards Rich-ards are in .St. Louis, Missouri, where Mr. Richards is a student at medical school. 34 Years Ago Institute for the teachers of Alpine Al-pine District was held at the PI. Grove High School Friday. Principal Prin-cipal David Gourley of the host school gave the address of welcome. wel-come. 34 Years Ago The Theological class of Manila Ward entertained at a dancing social so-cial Wednesday evening. Special guests were H. V. ,Swenscn, L. M. Atwood, and Ivan Monson of the Sunday School Superintendence and their partners. The committee in charge were Men-ill Allen, Christie Johnson and Angelyn Wamick. |