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Show WHEN SIEEP WON'T rcw CQEiIEandYOU IfTll FEEL GLUfl - I Use Delicious I I I i Chewlag-Gum Laxative itssJ REMOVES WASTE Bfiiflwhiftil not GOOD FOOD When you con't sleep feel Jtisfl bwXuI because you need a laxative do, as millions do chew feen-a-mint. Doctors say many other laxatives,, taken In large doses, start their "flush-i lng" action too toon . . . ripht Id tbi stomach where they often flush awayi nourishing food you need for pep and! energy 1 You feel weak, tired. But gentle feen-a-mint Is dlfferentll Token as recommended. It works chiefly! In the lower bowel removes only: waste, not grood foodt You avoid that weak feeling you feel fine, full ofin v. life 1 Get rKEN-A-niNT, 25t . 50. or only I U f FEEN-A-MINTItgj famous chewing-gum mxAnvt 4rH Pretty, Useful Apron NEAT AND PRETTX VOU'LL LOOK neat and pretty whether you're doing kitchen chores or entertaining guests in the pair of aprons illustrated. Easy to sew, trimmed with gay ric rac or narrow ruffling. SEWING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK SC7 West Adams St., Chicago 6, 111. Please enclose 25 cents plus 5 cents In coin for first-class mailing of each pattern desired. Pattern No Size Name ...... Address Save Money On This Home Mixed Cough Syrup Big Saving. No Cooking. So Easy.' You'll be surprised how quickly and easily you can relieve coughs due to colds, when you try this splendid recipe. It gives yoa about four times as much cough medicln. for your money, and you'll find it truly wonderful for real relief. I Make a syrup with 2 cups of granulated sugar and one cup of water. No cookinc needed. (Or you can use corn syrup or liquid honey, instead of sugar syrup.) Then put ounces of Pinex (obtained from any, druggist) in a pint bottle, and fill up with' your syrup. This makes a full pint of medicine medi-cine that will please you by its quick action It never spoils, and taste fine children love it. This simple mixture takes right hold of cough. It loosens the phlegm, soothes the irritated membranes, quickly eases soreness and difficult breathing. Pinex is a special compound of proven Ingredients, in concentrated form, well-known well-known for its quick action in coughs and bronchial irritations. Money refunded if it doesn't please you in every way. " FOR EXTRA CONVENIENCE GET NEW READY-MIXED. READY-TO-USE PINEXl i I. i TO POft AT ALL f -TV IMTTl grocers LflZg&kka&saa T IF PETER PAIN SHOOTS Y0V FUU OF ' Head QUICK! Ijifq RUB IU E&&b &CM THE ORI&INAL BAUME ANALGESIQUB - J "lend me a hand " ' ' ' ' 1 ' " i -i - . - I -f,.---:j. J' ''i-yT -V--J--'- S",V-t "ri " |