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Show TONIGHT AND SATURDAY 1 Ane : : t - ' 4 GROVE THEATRE ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Jan. 19. 20 x 'T 'n newest CliTtdn" Joan Robert WEBB -'BENNETT- CUMMINGS OWir-RIM JOAN BLONDELL pound GWENlV aioi per reau N ' ; : - . ' ; - J ; V - c - 1 CLASSIFIED FOR SALE BABY'S BED 350 North, 3rd East, Pleasant Grove Telephone 2081. ltp FOR SALE COAL, Lump and Oiled Treated Slack. No charge for delivery. Phone 2854. Lee Dickey. FOR SALE Kitchen Table Cheap Boyd Fugal. t ltp LOST Lady Elgin Wrist Watch with "Melba 1950" engraved on back. White Gold. 2 diamonds, white gold bracelet If found call 2041 P. G. Reward. FOR RENT Furnished Apartment, Apart-ment, 3 room and bath. Phone 2912, Harry Wadley. FOR SALE Two wheel stock Trailer $50-00, Phone 2912 Harry Wadley. FOR SALE Full size Baby's Buggy also Kenmore Washer almost al-most new Phone P. G. 3260. FOR RENT Three room apt., .Modern, 191 East, 2nd South, Call in person. FOR SALE Round Oak Table; Also 2-way Plow, practically new; Beet Cultivator, with all extras; Double Harness, with Collars, practically new Victor Viklund, Phone 3132. RADIO-TELEVISION SERVICE Authorized Philco Dealer One Block East of Cemetery Phone Pleasant Grove, 2421. WILL TEND CHILDREN in my home by hour or day Phone 1583. 1 FOR RENT Modem 4-room DuplexPhone Du-plexPhone P. G. 3206. FOR RENT 4 room home, 455 East, 6th North, Pleasant Grove Phone 5263. FOR RENT Floor Polisher, Paul's Appliance, Phone 3512. Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday A REPUBLIC PRODUCTION and HEHbi.il. j.(YATES starring . FORREST TUCKER mil KaRA ESTELITA RODRIGUEZ wlih JIM DAV!o PETER VMZS CilAxvJS KEMCER'SlLLWU.IAyS ' A REPUBLIC PICTURE liaai wtiilirt iYmrii'inriftiY-tTlrl ittntufch if- SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE SATURDAY 3 P. M. "Bomba On Panther Island" Little Rascals Comedy Cartoons Atom Man vs Superman Serial RADIO & TELEVISION One day Service one block east of cemetery. cem-etery. COAL we deliver first quality Coals of your choosing. Some Fireplace wood for sale. Lee Dickey, Dick-ey, 480 No. 1st E., Phone 2854. MARY'S SEWING SHOP, 6th South on Locust Ayenue, specializes special-izes in Dressmaking, Alterations, hemstitching, etc. Come in anytime any-time or phone 5627 ovenings. FOR RENT Furnished Modern 2-room apartment Electric range, frigidaire, Furnace heat; utilities paid. $50.00615 East, 2nd North, Pleasant Grove. FOR SALE Ferguson Tractor; also Pickup Truck Lee Swen-son, Swen-son, Call Phone 3420, P. G. LUMP COAL DELIVERED, $10 per ton Plenty of good Oil treated Slack CARTER COAL CO. Phone 5461, P. G. SUNDAY AND MONDAY January 21, 22 GAY WITH MARDI GRAS COLOR BY mf! Technicolor ! "S KATHRYN MAR!0 DAVID GRAYSON-LANZA-N1VEN Matinee Sunday 3 p. m. Tuesday and Wednesday January 23, 24 I AN EXPERIENCt I IN REALISM!J barring m J WILLIAM H0LDEN 1 TH NANCY OLSON I Paramount BARRY FITZGERALD! .Picture LgiaBi ' Cobalt-Deficient Wisconsin, Michigan, New Hampshire, Hamp-shire, New York, North Carolina, and Florida are considered cobalt-deficient cobalt-deficient areas; farmers in these states are often advised to add this mineral to feeds for cattle and sheep in order to prevent nutritional nutrition-al disorders. EDITOR WANTS (ALL YOUR NEWS ON 5 CWEDDINGS.SHOWERSJ ( ..PARTIES AND SOCIAL nils Eyes Scientifically Examined GLASSES CORRECTLY FITTED E. N. WEBB Lehi, Utah Main Street Phone 49 JESS MONSOK INSURANCE AGENCY Complete Insurance Service 921 East, 1 North, or Phone 3803. BRICK PHA HOMES FOR SALE 250 WEST, CENTER ST., In Pleasant Grove C. Hurst & Allen READY MIX CONCRETE Most accurate and economical method of handling your concrete. Ask us for an estimate. Alpine Transit Mix, Phone 4421. FARMERS Let me slaughter your beef and veal. LaVell Bor-en. Bor-en. Phone 3392, Pleasant Grove. JERSEY OR MILK STRAIN DURHAM DUR-HAM BULL SERVICE, Call Peg Taylor, 2022, Pleasant Grove. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Your Dead or Useless Horses, ovs, and Pigs. For prompt service ser-vice Call COLLECT Utah Hide & Tallow Company, Phone G W. Price, 216-W, Lehi. See The wes? rly mora i j- U f . y,.-cw r- , - J j I Featuring improvements which produce unprecedented readability and riding qualities, the beautifully j redesigned 1951 line of Plymouth cars have numerous mechanical improvements and have retained their traditional roominess. Shown above is Plymouth's Four-door Cranbrook sedan. With Its all New Lines All New Features-New Features-New Mechanical Improvements Hisit Urn Showroom' loiay ANDERSONS S 615 East State Road American Fork Phone 342 j INSULATE YOUR HOME WITH ROCK WOOL and save up to 40 per cent of your coal see John S. Green for information, Phone 4422, Pleasant Grove. GET YOUR WINTER'S COAI NOW from Carter Coal Co Phone P. G. 2312. TRANSFER Livestock, CaU Peg Taylor, Phone 2022, PI. Grove. WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING REPAIR-ING Done at reasonable price at Lee's Radio Shop 69 So 1 West All work guaranteed. Phone P. G. 44S2. Coccidiosis The parasitic organism that causes coccidiosis in chickens can survive in favorable soil for more ttian a year and a half. Cow's Keep A cow must milk for at least two years to pay the cost of raising her, and profits are not substantial until the cow is between four and five years of age, advises Cornell's animal ani-mal husbandry department. Invest Your INSURANCE DOLLARS Wisely Buy the Best Insurance Money Can Jiuy ATWOOD REALTY INS. CO. 385 SOUTH MAIN PHONE ?59l |