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Show REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE . BANK OF PLEASANT GIIOVE OF PLEASANT GROVE IN THE STATE OF UTAH AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON DEC 30, 1950. ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection $.387,418.19 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 763,454.00 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 35,500.00 Coi-porate stocks (including $00 stock of Federal Reserve Bank 252.00 Loans and discounts (including $434.42 overdrafts) 917,440.91 Bank premises owned $3,717.48, furniture and I fixtures $4,153.73 7,871.21 Other Assets 3,522.65 TOTAL ASSETS 2,145,458.99 LIABILITIES Demand Deposits ot individuals, partnerships, and corporations 777,953.72 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 1,008,366.42 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 11,628.99 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 158,436.27 Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) 30,553.07 TOTAL DEPOSITS $1,986,938.47 Other liabilities 1,678.96 TOTAL LIABILITIES (not including subordin- ated obligations shown below) 1,988,617.43 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital 50,000.00 Surplus : 100,000.00 Undivided profits 6,841.56 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ' 156,841.56 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 2,145,458.99 This bank's capital consists of: Common stock with total par value of $50,000.00 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 25,000.00 Loans as shown above are after deduction of reserves of . 38,935.18 STATE OF UTAH County of Utah Junius A. West, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is Vice President and Cashier of the above named bank and that the above and foregoing report contains a full, true and correct statement state-ment of the condition of the said bank at the close of business on the 30th day of December, 1950. JUNIUS A. WEST Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of January, 1951. Kay L. Jacobs, Notary Public (Seal) Residing at Pleasant Grove, Utah My commission expires July 15, 1952 Correct Attest: C. J. COBBLEY LEWIS E. OLPIN KEITH H. JACOBS Directors STATE OF UTAH Office of Bank Commissioner I, Roy W. Simmons, Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah, hereby certify that the foregoing is a tru and correct copy of the tatement of the above named company, filed in my office on Jan. 11, 1951. ROY W. SIMMONS Bank Commissioner |