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Show Funeral Services Held Monday For Macella Peterson Touching and impressive funeral funer-al rites were conducted Monday in the Second ward chapel, for Mrs. Marcella Fage Peterson, wife of J. Reed Peterson, who died Jan. 11, in a Salt Lake hospital. The chapel was filled to overflowing over-flowing with sorrowing relatives and friends, who came to pay respects to the memory of Mrs. Peterson and express sympathy for her family. The service directed by the 2nd Ward Bishopric, began at 2 o'clock o'-clock with Counselor Paul Christ-offerson Christ-offerson conducting. The opening number "In The Garden" was sung by Mrs. J. E. Hardman, Mrs. Leland Beers and Mrs. Glade Bullock accompanied by Mrs. Virgil Peterson. Invocation was offered by Patriarch Pat-riarch D. B. Thorne, an uncle. First speaker was former Bishop Bish-op Reed O. Walker, who paid high tribute to Mrs. Peterson and her husbafid, of their love and devotion devot-ion to their home and to their church, and spoke words of encouragement en-couragement and faith in the resurrection. res-urrection. Omar C. Clark of Salt Lake City, a relative of the family told of many experiences in both joy and sorrow that his family and the Peterson family had shared, and bore a vivid testimony of how each new experience in the life of men is a step toward perfection and eternity. Mr. Clark was followed by a vocal solo "In My Father's House Are Many Mansions" by Robert Peterson, accompanied by Mrs. Virgil Peterson. President Merrill N. Warnick also paid high tribute to the family fam-ily and spoke encouraging words of the many promises which Christ gave of the blessings the gospel has in store. After closing remarks of smpa-thy smpa-thy and appreciation by Mr. Chris-tofferson Chris-tofferson the Allen Brothers, Elwood, El-wood, Taylor, Leo and Don, sang the closing number "Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling." They were accompanied by Mrs. Taylor Allen. Prelude and postlude organ music was played by Mrs. Virgil Peterson. Benediction was pronounced by Joseph S. Walker. Interment directed by Olpin Mortuary was in the Pleasant Grove City cemetery, where Wesley Wes-ley Peterson offered the dedicatory dedicat-ory prayer. Pallbearers were , W. Robert Marrott, Howard Warnick, Nyal F. Wadley, Glenwood Wadley, Golden B. Peay. and Wayne Hol-man. Hol-man. The unusal floral display was arranged by the Pleasant Grove 2nd ward Relief Society. |