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Show LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Fern Thome Bigelow of Springville, spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David B. Thome; also spending the day at the Thome home were their daughter May Jacklin and two children. Mrs. C. A. Fugal entertained at a family dinner party on Sunday complimentary to the birthday anniversary an-niversary of her husband. Besides the honored guest and Mrs. Fugal those for whom covers were laid were Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Fugal and family, Mrs. John T. Richardson Richard-son and children of this city and Mr. and Mrs. James A. Francum and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Francum Fran-cum of Payson. Patriarch and Mrs. D. B. Thome and Dale Gillman returned Sunday Sun-day from a very pleasant trip to Wayne Wonderland and other points of interest in Southern Utah. Ut-ah. At Richfield they visited with their son Milton and family. Driving Driv-ing farther they spent the next day at Escalante, and finishing the 700 mile trip, report a very pleasant pleas-ant vacation. i " Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Neilson and children, chil-dren, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hilton, Hil-ton, and children motored to Moroni Mor-oni Sunday and visited with Moyle and Gayle Walker Blackburn and baby. Miss Burdene Walker, who had been visiting with her sister and family returned with her parents par-ents to Pleasant Grove. Mrs. Beverly Fife Urie of Logan Lo-gan spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Vern Gill-man Gill-man and with Mrs. Harris Chip-man Chip-man and family.- Other visitors at the Chipman home this week weer Mrs. Wm. Beal and 2 children child-ren of Salt Lake City. |