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Show Bemlce Green of Rexburg, Idaho, spent last week-end with her cousin, Loul.se Green. Warren Kirk had as his guests Wednesday, two of his missionary friends, Don Earl of Las Vegas, Nevada, Ne-vada, and Elwood Scovtlle, of Salt Lake City. LaPriel Aagard, a nurse at the L. D. S. hospital, spent several days of last week visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred Scholes. The second quorum of deacons In the Third ward participated in an outing at Saratoga Wednesday evening, eve-ning, under the direction of their advisor, Harold S. Walker. Leah Jean Swenson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Swenson of Manila, Ma-nila, is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. George Gourley, in Holladay. Charles Warnick, assistant county coun-ty agent at Boxelder, is spending his vacation in Manila. Mrs. Melba Gootch and children of Nampa, Idaho, have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neils Fugal, and her brother, Nell Fugal since Decoration Day. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Fugal of Mil-ford Mil-ford are back in Pleasant Grove visiting with friends and relatives. Mr. Erwin Buhler and family of Pioche, Nevada, spent part of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buhler. They left last Friday Fri-day for California where they will spend a month vacationing. Ira Huntsman left Saturday for Las Vegas, Nevada, after visiting two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fugal. He was accompanied accom-panied by Leslie Neves and Dale Fugal who will stay a week. Norman Radmall of Salt Lake City spent Strawberry day with relatives rel-atives here. Mrs. C. E. Allred, Spring City, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith from Sunday until Friday. Mrs. Atlred came to attend the graduation exercises of her son, Sheldon Allred, an honor student at the Y. Also a guest of the Smiths, was Ronald Colman, a friend of Lyman, Ly-man, who came to spend Strawberry Day here. Sixteen Beehive girls from the Timpanogos stake motored to Salt-air Salt-air Friday to participate in the M. I. A. dance demonstrations. The girls were cleverly dressed in Swiss costumes cos-tumes and demonstrated a folk dance. The girls participating were as follows: Colleen Matthews, Beth Gillman, Berniece Hriensen, Gloria Wadley, Vervene Monson, Maxine Nelson, Ruth Mills, Margaret Adams, Joyce and Joan Walker, Anna Lou Rogers, Lucille Halliday, Kathryn Olpin, Alta Mae King, Bobby Jean N'eilson, Shirley Phillips. They were accompanied by Mrs. May Jacklin, stake beekeeper, and Evelyn Cobbley, Third ward leader. The BatUecreek Hill Billies, Karl Banks, Clarence Rollins, James Simmons, Sim-mons, and Irwin Jensen, furnished the entertainment for the Spring-ville Spring-ville Kiwanis club at a meeting at the home of W. W. Clyde Thursday evening. Primary stake officers who attended at-tended conference in Salt Lake City were Lacey White, Rose Radmall, Emily Pederson, Ethel Carlson, Chloe Harper, and Fern Smith. Donna and Douglas Brinley, small son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Brinley of Nevada, spent last week with their grandmother, Mrs. Ethel Brinley. The children left Friday with their parents for a trip to Idaho. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jacobs Thursday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beers, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Jense, Mr. and Mrs. George Peay, and Mr. and Mrs. Golden Peay. Mrs. C. Sterling Cluff and children of Pleasant View spent Strawberry day with Mrs. Alta Walker. Mary Paulson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Paulson, spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Florence Mad-sen, Mad-sen, in Duchesne. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henrichsen of Glendale, California, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ras-mussen, Ras-mussen, Wednesday. PI. Grove Locals Mrs. Donna Kimball Blair of St. George is staying with her grandmother, grand-mother, Mrs. Josephine Bezzant, for three weeks. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Blackhur.st on Wednesday were Mrs. Clara Cook of Cedar Valley, Mr. and Mrs. William Harding and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krauss of Salt Lake. Orvel Walker left Saturday for Idaho Falls where he will be employed. em-ployed. His wife and baby have been visiting the former's parents in that city for the past week. Rhea Ralliday left Monday in company with her sister and husband, hus-band, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Jackson, for . Cedar City where she will be their guest. Fred Halliday of Blanding is visiting visit-ing relatives in Pleasant Grove. Mrs. Rose Radmall represented the stake Primary and the Primary presidents' breakfast given at the Hotel Utah Strawberry morning. Jack and Anna Boren and Mr. and Mrs. La Veil Boren attended a banquet given by the Red and White food stores at Spanish Fork last Thursday evening. They were for-tuninate for-tuninate in winning three very useful prtes, ;ti,j"HTr'; J Olita Clayton, her children and mother, Mrs. J. A. Melville, were in Pleasant Grove with Mrs. Stena Clayton from Tuesday evening until Wednesday night. Helen Carlson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Carlson, who is employed em-ployed in Salt Lake City, spent Strawberry day here. " Announcements have been received re-ceived by relatives and friends of the marriage of James D. Thome of Salt Lake City to Mrs. Rickie Thorne, widow of the late Frank Thorne, formerly of this city. The marriage was performed by Stephen Ste-phen L. Chipman in the Salt Lake temple. Following the ceremony, they left on a honeymoon trip through the Northwest. They were accompanied by Mr. Thome's son, Mr. Harold Thorne, and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Simmons and three children of Preston, Idaho, are spending this week with Mrs. Simmon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gammett. and Mrs. Lee Ronnow and infant in-fant daughter, Sharon, of Las Vegas, Nevada, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Banks from Friday until Tuesday. Mr. Ronnow is a brother of Mrs. Banks. Paul Barney is spending part of iiis vacation at the home of his sister, sis-ter, Mrs. Basil King, at Clawson, Emery county. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Walker and family and Fred and David Halliday spent Sunday in American Fork canyon where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walker. Mr. and Mrs. John Holdaway had as their guests last week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Holdaway and family fam-ily of Afton, Wyoming. They left Monday for Fillmore where they will visit with Mrs. Holdaway's parents. Mr. Holdaway expects to attend the summer session at the B. Y. U. Mrs. Burlin Driggs left Saturday morning for California where she will spend a month. Her husband is employed there. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rasmussen moved on Monday from the Barney apartment to the home of Bertha Deveraux, who was married recently and has gone to make her home in Aberdeen, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Washburn left Monday morning for Logan where the former will attend the U. A. C. Mrs. Washburn was formerly Miss Mary Jense of this city. Mrs. Annie Holman had as her guests on Sunday Mrs. Ora Chip-man, Chip-man, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Monson, Delbert Bay Chipman and Ora May Little of American Fork. Mr. and Mrs. Ferry (Mildred Swenson) moved Saturday from Provo to part of Mrs. Chastina Walker's home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hilton spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Ogden and Logan. They stayed Tuesday night in Ogden with Mrs. Verda H. Walker, and motored to Logan Wednesday morning. Mrs. Emma Payne of New Mexico stayed Friday evening with her brother, William C. Smith and family. fam-ily. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gourley and children Kathleen and Robert Lee of Minersville are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Christiansen. They expect to spend the summer in Pleasant Grove and Salt Lake City. Clifford Adamson left Saturday morning for Kamas to take his sister, sis-ter, Mrs. Maurine Simper and children, chil-dren, Marilyn and Geneal home. The Simpers had been visiting in Pleasant Grove last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Adam-son. Adam-son. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ellis of Ogden spent Sunday with William Ellis, who is ill. Mrs. Victor Barney's brother, J. T. Charlesworth, who was injured in the Sweets mine recently, spent a week here while recoverirlg. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Christensen had as their guests on Wednesday and Thursday Mrs. Christensen's mother and sister, Mrs. Sterling Peay and Maxine Peay of Provo. Mr. and Mrs. George Peay visited their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Wood-worth, Wood-worth, in Salt Lake City, Friday. Paul Mecham of Hiawatha, who came with the band from that city on Strawberry day, is visiting at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Warnick. Merrill N. Warnick returned home Saturday evening from Wisconsin where he was a delegate to the National Holstein-Freisian convention. conven-tion. President and Mrs. W. W. Warnick War-nick and daughter, Helen, are vacationing va-cationing at the parks in Southern Utah. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Larson and son Tom returned home Saturday Sat-urday night from a three weeks' motor trip to Chicago, where they visited George Larson Jr. and family. fam-ily. The latter is employed as assistant as-sistant auditor in the U. S. division of Crop Insurance. An interesting high light of the trip was the tour of Independence, Missouri, with its church history significance. The snow storm which greeted the travelers at Berthoud Pass in Wyoming added variety to the return journey. Delia Radmall returned last week from the three week's vacation in Duchesne. Miss Joan Adams, who was a junior at the B. Y. U., majoring in the art department has some of her paintings on exhibition at the Utah Art Center at Salt Lake, being be-ing placed here by her instructor, B. F. Larson. Miss Adams is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Adams. Mrs. Elizabeth Colvin of s- W Utah spent several days of i I at the home of her daugK' V , Mary Neves. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M-of M-of San Merino, Califor i Y guests of Mr. and Mrs. J farlane a few days last l Jean Loader spent last her parents, Mr. and Loader, and with friends. ' ( employed in Salt Lake City. 11,1 Mrs. Oscar Oler and chUf Morris and Helen of Shell? a were guests of Mrs. Leone week. j Mr. and Mrs. Tony P Richins) of Thistle visits and relatives here on W Wednesday of Inst jj Mrs. HUmer M. Nelson i u her niece, Mrs. Georfr CopiH-i ton this week. KI.MS-NIKI' Mrs. Shelton EM" Grove tmiuiuiu'os the and coining miwi'luge of tor. Helen, to Andy Nl' . Mr. luui Mrs. A. V. " The nmrrlnive win I' 1 27. |