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Show City's Scouts Observe Organization Organiza-tion Anniversary All this week Boy Scouts have Participated in observance of the 28 th anniversary of the founding of their movement The Boy Scouts of America. Beginning with few members in 1910, the program has pushed itself forward, so that today in even the remotest hamlet there is a boy scout troop engaged in activities, country-wide in aspect. Sunday being Scout Day, the boys attended the two sessions of religious re-ligious meetings in their respective ward chapels, and at night they sponsored a splendid program hi the Alpine stake tabernacle. The entire en-tire program was conducted by the scouts and scouters. The outstanding outstand-ing feature of the program was the talk given by Earl J. Glade of Salt Lake City. Mr. Glade spoke of the value of scouting to the hoys and to all citizens. Monday the boys endeavored to make scouting felt in the home and community by doing a good turn. The highlight of anniversary week was the message of confidence and congratulation from their honorary president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Monday night. Over 100 Boy Scouts, together with scoutmasters and troop committeemen com-mitteemen of this district gathered together as a troop and stood at attention at-tention to recommit themselves to the Scout oath and Law of 1938. The Recommittal ceremonies were broadcast broad-cast over Station KSL at 8:30 p. m. Tuesday night and were led by D. E. Hammond, council scout executive. execu-tive. They included a repledge to scouting ideals and simultaneous repetition of the scout oath. The Scout and Parent banquet scheduled for Wednesday will be held tomorrow (Saturday) night in each of the wards. i . Thursday was "Home Day." All scouts made an effort to become better bet-ter acquainted with their duties connected with the home and to put into actual practice the scout law, which requires him to be trustworthy, trust-worthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. Boy Scouts from the Second ward f urnished a very splendid program for children of the Training School Thursday morning. Today is "School Day" and every troop should arrange to be present at the school program. The purpose of this program, is to make scouting felt in the school room and kindle the desire in every boy to be a scout. To make the public more scout conscious attractive displays of scout camping equipment, pioneer handcarts, wagons, log cabins and handicraft are prominently displayed in windows of leading business concerns con-cerns of the city. o |