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Show Pleasant Grove Local . t " Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Tomlinson and Mrs. Elza Marrott visited relatives in Salem, Thursday. Ross Sundburg, who is attending school at the University of Idaho at Moscow, Idaho, training in the school of architecture, and his bride, both of Idaho Falls, were recent visitors at the home of his grandmother, grand-mother, Mrs. A. F. Sundberg, and other relatives. The M Men and Gleaner Girls of the Third ward went to the home of Mrs. Lydia Hilton, Gleaner teacher, after conjoint meeting Sunday Sun-day evening and enjoyed singing, a talk by Leslie Smith, M Men leader, and played quiet games. Refreshments Refresh-ments were served and a very pleasant pleas-ant evening spent. This group plan to make this a monthly affair. The M Men of the Third ward will give a dancing party after Mutual Mut-ual Tuesday evening, sweet cider and doughnuts will be sold during the evening. Howard Nelson's orchestra or-chestra will play. Proceeds are to be used to buy a net for the tennis court. Dan Peterson of Pleasant Grove, junior in the College of Fine Arts of Brigham Young university, was selected recently to play an important import-ant role in Shakespeare's rollicking comedy "The Merry Wives of Windsor." Wind-sor." Scheduled for presentation in College Hall February 17 and 18, the famed Elezabethan drama is being rehearsed under the direction of Dr. T. Earl Pardoe, head of the B. Y. U. speech department. Howard Hooley is reported to be some what improved in health. Mrs. Martin Walker is very ill at the American Fork hospital. J. Clarence Hilton attended the Rural Mail Carriers convention of the state, at Salt Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nelson of Sa-lina, Sa-lina, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman. Dr. and Mrs. G. Y. Anderson were guests of the Payson Doctors at a banquet there Wednesday evening of the Utah county doctors. Mrs. Lawrence Peterson and daughter, Mary Louise of Provo, were Pleasant Grove visitors Wednesday. Wed-nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Olsen of Lehi, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jack-lin Jack-lin and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hind-ley, Hind-ley, are parents of new babies, born this week. The "Latuza" (meaning happy) club met at the home of Carol B. Christiansen Wednesday afternoon. The nine members meet each week to have a program. Mrs. Ellen Hebertson and members mem-bers of her family attended funeral services for her aunt, Mrs. Ellen J. Pierce, at American Fork Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. P. Fugal has been in Provo Pro-vo all week caring for her daughter, Mrs. Alfred Swenson and husband, who are ill. Mrs. Arvilla Taylor of Salt Lake, was a visitor in Pleasant Grove Wednesday. The Mothers club entertained Wednesday night at the Harley Chateau on the Springville road Wednesday night at dinner, dancing and games. Mrs. Donald Wright and babe of Overton, Nevada, left Friday for her home after a week's visit with Mrs. Ford Paulson and other relatives here. Benjamin Holman is very ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Van-da Van-da Naylor, in Midvale where he has been making his home the past several months. Clinton A. Sundberg and son, Jack, of Idaho Falls visited Saturday Satur-day with Mr. Sundberg's mother, Mrs. A. F. Sundberg. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Larsen and Mrs. Geneive T. Smith were Salt Lake visitors Saturday to purchase pur-chase more books for the Public Library. During the past year a very good selection of books have been purchased and are now available avail-able for public use. Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer M. Nielsen entertained at a pleasant miscellaneous miscel-laneous shower Saturday evening at their home in honor of their daughter, daugh-ter, Verda Colvin Carter, and husband, hus-band, Wallace E. Carter, who were married at Ely, Nevada, January 26, 1938, at the home of the bridegroom's bride-groom's parents. They will make their home in Provo. Invited guests who came to help celebrate the birthday anniversaries of Mrs. Josephine Bezzant and her deceased husband Saturday evening were : Mr. and Mrs. Walter Darling and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hall, Spanish Span-ish Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Heiselt, Mrs. Mart Williamson and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Davis, Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Orald Bezzant, Garfield; Gar-field; Mr. and Mrs. William Bezzant, Magna; Mr. and Mrs. William Christiansen, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Christiansen, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Christiansen, Mf. and Mrs. M. S. I Christiansen, Mr. and Mrs. Alma I Radmall, Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Bez-i Bez-i zant and Mr. William Ellis. Games were played and a delicious hot luncheon served. Friends and relatives pleasantly surprised Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Gleason Tuesday evening to honor them on Mr. Gleason's birthday. The evening was spent playing games and enjoying an extemporaneous extemporan-eous program, after which refreshments refresh-ments were served. Those present were: The guest of honor, Mrs. Gleason, Misses Jennie Gleason, Rowena and Ellen Maxfield, Willard Warnick of Salt Lake, former neighbor of the gleasons' Messrs and Mesdames Sterling Bennett, Provo; Alton Gardiner, Archie Max-field, Max-field, George Peay, Golden, Ethan and Harold Peay, Arthur Wood-worth, Wood-worth, Homer Royle and Keith Jacobs Ja-cobs and the following children, Beth and Jack Bennett. Doris, Wayne, Clark, Morris, Keith and Marybeth Peay; Nadine and Kathleen Kath-leen Royle and baby Jacqueline Jacobs. |