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Show Modernization Of Kitchens Discussed "The saving in footsteps and unnecessary un-necessary work which kitchen planning plan-ning and even a very small money investment can accomplish in the average kitchen of today is simply amazing, "says Miss Josephine Knox, of the Kitchen Modernizing Bureau of the Edison Electric Institute. Miss Knox declares that so many women are beginning to realize these facts and kitchen modernizing is becoming becom-ing so popular, that today's kitchen is doomed. Tomorrow's kitchen is here, she says, and the new standard, stand-ard, or ideal or concept for kitchens is well on its way towards general acceptance. The Natiional Kitchen Modernizing Moderniz-ing Bureau, which was recently organized, or-ganized, with headquarters in the Graybar Building, New York City, is making rapid strides toward developing de-veloping a public consciousness of the advantages of modern kitchens. Local Bureaus are being established establish-ed in many cities and these local Bureaus will coordinate with a national na-tional program and stimulate public interest through newspaper advertising adver-tising and general promotion, such as the installation of Model Electric Kitchens for public inspection, by making available kitchen planning service, and novel promotional activities. ac-tivities. These trade associations organized the Electric Refrigeration Bureau and other similar activities which have been effective market stimulators. stimula-tors. Interest of home makers in kitchen betterment and the evident desire for a higher standard of convenience, con-venience, labor-saving and beauty in the average American home makes the time for such promotion opportune. The cost of electric equipment for kitchen use has been greatly reduced re-duced and likewise the cost of electricity elec-tricity for these services. Other kitchen renovation costs have declined. de-clined. At the same time the easier financing of kitchen modernizing has been made possible to arrange through .the National Housing act. Many families are now in position to have their kitchens modernized and to enjoy the many benefits in better living which are derived from greater kitchen comfort and efficiency. The aim is to make this a standard in building of new middle mid-dle class homes. The new approach has much appeal ap-peal to home makers in aiding each to visualize her present kitchen as it will appear when modernized. She may then proceed, either to realize the new kitchen ideal by complete and immediate renovation, or in a step-by-step process acquiring acquir-ing one longed-for new kitchen convenience con-venience now and another later, until, un-til, at last, the whole kitchen has been modernized according to preconceived pre-conceived planning. GeorgeE. Whitwell, Vice-President, Philadelphia Electric Company, is Chairman of the National Bureau. A complete organization includes Regional Directors and Members-at-Large, including representatives of associations outside the electrical industry. |