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Show Ten Years Ago Now (Taken from files of May 29, 1926) The American Fork Firemen offered offer-ed a substantial sum to the city toward to-ward the purchase of a suitable siren at a meeting of the city council Saturday. The firemen have $104.00 now in their treasury and will increase in-crease tile amount to $150.00 the city to furnish the balance needed. The matter was taken under advisement. Ten Years Ago Now American Fork will celebrate the 150th anniversary of our country with a fitting celebration on July 4th it was announced today. The work of appointing committees and getting things lined up and going will start immediately. Ten Years Ago Now The "M" Men's quartet of American Ameri-can Fork and Miss Thelma West of Pleasant Grove carried off the honors hon-ors for Alpine Stake in the M. I. A. contests held in Provo Third ward chapel Monday night. Nine stakes participated in the contests to determine de-termine the winners who will con- test in the M. I. A. June Conference for final honors. Ten Years Ago Now John Miller, successful theatre manager from Ilebcr, has purchased the Realart Theatre from F. M. White who is leaving for California in the near future. Mr. Miller and family are "sold" on American Fork and confident of its future growth and prosperity. They are building a new home on west Main street and will be permanently located here. Ten Years Ago Now Peter Clarke, son of President and Mrs. James II. Clarke, has received his release from the British Mission where he has been for some twenty-five twenty-five months. He is expected home the first of June. Ten Years Alio Now "Teddy," the well-known Cobblestone Cobble-stone Station bear has been adopted intr, a new family and from now on will greet his friends in a new home. His new home will be at Camp Alta-I Alta-I mont in American Fork canyon. The ; bear was captured when but a cub I at Strawberry by Otis Cheney about ' 22 months ago. Since that time he ha3 lived at the Cobblestone. |