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Show A Aomi ISI be House iTfl When any portion of a velvet gown Is crushed from pressure, hold the part over a basin of hot water, the wrong side next to the water. The pile will soon be restored. To prevent cheese becoming stringy when making W.elsh rabbit, do not use a high temperature when melting. melt-ing. Have only just enough heat to melt cheese. Do not allow bread to rise too high before putting Into the oven If you wish to have a fine grained bread. A saucerful of quicklime placed ln a damp closet or cupboard, will absorb ab-sorb all dampness. When sandpapering surfaces that are to be painted, the work Is made much easier if sandpaper la folded over a small block of wood. To keep bath enamel ln good condition, con-dition, always put ln a little cold water wa-ter first. Exceedingly hot water is likely to make It crack and peel off. To prevent halibut falling to pieces while boiling, wrap ln cheesecloth and simmer in boiling water. About 30 minutes' time is required to boil two and a half or three pounds of halibut. Bell Syndicate. WNU Service. |