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Show Kovirw - Wednesday. November .". l!IS(i - Pae X Black widow spiders seek winter homes The markings may not appear as a perfect hourglass but as two irregular red blotches. The female is one-thir- d to three-eighth- s of an inch long and has four pairs of eyes, which are shiny h lack with red spots. The males are much smaller than the female, about one-eigh- th of an inch long, and has a less globular abdomen. The top part of the male abdomen has a row of red and white spots near the midline, and the underside m ay h ave four pairs of stripes, red in the middle, what the edges. I he spider spins a stronB irregular shaped web that has a funnel-shape- usually d retreat ex lending toward the ground. Jones says cleaning up litter from the garden and storage areas will help eliminate hiding places for the black widows. You should also check buildings for cracks or small openings where the spider can migrate indoors. If necessary, the s piders an be controlled chemically with a household spray that contains diazinon, baygoy, resmethrin or dursban. The black widow spider, one of the most venomous spiders in the continental United States, is now moving from the fields to protected places in Utah homes and yards. Vince Jones, Utah Stale University Extension entomologist, advises residents in all parts of the state to be on the lookout for the spiders in garages or sheds where they spin webs in corners or bet-ween piles of seldon disturbed ar-ticles. If you work in such areas, Jones recommends wearing gloves to reduce the possibility of accidental biles. Jones says the venom of the black widow is considered to be about 15 times more potent than rattlensake venom, but while the symptoms of a bite may be severe, death occurs only in three to five percent of cases. "Although the bite itself may appear to be only a pin prick, it produces excruciating pain, which spreads from the area of the bite to all portions of the body within a few minutes," Jones says. "Within hours, chills, vomiting, profuse perspiration, delirium, partial paralysis, violent abdominal cramps, difficulty in breathing and spasms may result." If you suspect someone has been bitten by a black widow spider, get the victim to a doctor. Also, try to save the spider and take it along in some alcohol. Jones explained how to identify the black widow. The adult female is a shiny black to sepia color. The characteristic red hourglass markings are found on the underside of the abdomen. Valley Playhouse to show marriage trilogy hi ii -," i i '"-- "ii in i.... i.i i L. . vJt .v..rwr. : K(T wondered how in .inui'.e h.is I'h.ini'.oit situv il first liei;;in'' To tui' I nut . eomo see tin- - Valley I 'enter I'l.iy house piiuluet ion of the Al.ii i i.ii;e Go KiHiml. a trilogy of one ael plays dealing with that ever varied, never elianm sulijeil. marriage What kind of problems miejil have hesel Adam and Kve'.' Thai iiiestion is explored by the first play. "liarv of Adam and Kve." Adapted by Charles Whitman of BT. il was taken from Mark Twain's writings. This play guarantees a fresh and funny look at the b eginnings of marital bliss. " The Apple Tree" musieal ver-sion of the Dairy of Adam and Kve played on Broadway in the till s and was produced by HVU in the 70 s. Did the turn of the century turn things around much'.' "A Little Matter of We." written by Max llolightly of HVU. depicts a turn of the century marriage with an Knglish flavor in an American setting. The director. Maureen Kaslwood. was selected best character actress by the Utah County Theater Guild lor her roll in "Who Killed Aunl Caroline." in l!)8.r. The play itself was a National Play Contest winner and will prove well worth seeing. The third of the trilogy is a hilarious Conrad Seiler comedy with a new twist. It is a look at marriage in the '80's from the vantage point of Why I Am a r. This one is directed by Jody Kenstrom. whose work is well known at the Valley Center Playhouse. Left to right. Hob Pope, Jacqueline Huish and Keith Christeson prepare for Marriage Go-Hou- at the Valley Center Playhouse. Actors in this comic trilogy in-clude; Dave Koquemore, Grant Draper, Marie Miller, Leslie Jorgensen, Shane Barker, Debra Whitby, Kathleen Reed, Keith Christeson, Robert Pope, and Jacqueline Huish. "Marriage-Go-Round- " opens Friday, Nov. 7 and runs every Friday, Saturday and Monday until Dec. l. Tickets will be sold al the door and are $3.50 ($2.50 students and senior citizens) Familv Ticket, $13.50. For group rates and fund raiser opportunities or other call Mrs. Keith Renstrom 225-525- The Valley Cenler Playhouse is located at 780 N. 200 East, Lindon. All shows begin al 8 p.m. This show is a must for anyone who is married, has ever been married or wants to be someday. Come join in for an evening of comedy and fun. This production is appropriate for adults and mature teenagers. How will tax reform ' reform yoiu taxes? l Please reserve seats for (check one). Q Sorry, I am unable to attend but l would like complimentary information on: Q Direct Investments I Q High Yield Investments I Q Real Estate Investments I QTax Free Municipal Bonds I Other Specific Interests I Name I Address I City State Zip , Business Phone Home Phone J E.F. Hutton Account Number I HFHutton E.F. Hutton & Company Inc. j 215 W. 100 North I Provo, Utah 84601 Member SIPC The pending Congressional tax reform legislation may affect the way you handle your investments. Do you currently: Own or participate in real estate investments? Have unrealized capital gains? Own tax free municipal investments? Own limited partnerships? Then plan to attend E.F. Hutton's free seminar to find ' T out about the proposed changes, how the legislation, if enacted, would affect your investment J portfolio, and what opportunities J will present themselves in a new tax environment. ? J Refreshments will be served. J There are no fees for the seminars J but as seating will be limited, J reservations are required. Please J return the attached coupon or call ; 377-270- 0 Ask for ! Paul Wakefield or Karen Nash , ! Held in conjunction with the (: ! Lehi Chamber of Commerce Meeting. !.; ! I ; When: Thursday, Nov. 13, 1 p.m. ; Where: Lehi City Hall, I j 95 E. 100 North, Lehi I ! Lf ) When E.F. Hutton talks, ; people listen. 2. fSPl Nowtnru S You'll like our prices --- J... Jk JZT Nov. 13 i Exciting NEW styles 7n aai m FREE layaway for Christmas Fri. &Sat. 1 .El ZvZ I ' v I I : I TV Rentals i Razz junior Jeans Fashion Earrings VOl '1 A H (mclu'Jin8 new reto) 5 Fancy gray denim H C)99 (F)(p)C QJk J At least a $32 value U jLx $4 value SALE aJ jJ W I h ' Village Green Blue Denim Jean Sweatshirts jfli?V I denim with stirrups 99 Fancy, colorful CO lK OrL. 0 ( 0 I Mini-Ski- rt Ladies Pants S Black denim H H 99 Elastic waistband K vT I I Jr. sizes U U Values to $32 U KJ yLzl 1 f Devon Coordinated Sportswear Blouses "p Now Playing: Excellent quality X. n tc values to $25 n (o)00 T Money Pit, Band of the Hand, Pretty in Pink, Ladiessizes Uj LadieS5izes ? Nomads, American Anthem, Say Yes, Santa Claus Graff Closeout Dress Pants M the Movie' Sleeping Beauty' Head 0ffice' RunaW3y c. French canvas JJ ) ( I Train, Out of Africa, Wild Cats, Crossroads, FX, pants aii items OQ oy.many co.ors J Critters, Wild Geese 2, Police Academy 3, ' ' J Highlander, and all the big ones. DCDQ7P8 DOGQQDm SI'Sf 8 West Main, Lshi, 7$-M- Ql ' Convenient rear of store parking Senior Citizens hold costume party on Halloween at Center Pleasant Grove area Senior Citizens held a costume party on Halloween at the Senior's Center. They enjoyed a meal of homemade clam chowder, hot French bread and butter, brownies and Eskimo Pies. They played Bingo for prizes after the dinner was served. Many of the Senior Citizens arrived in costume for the occasion. About 70 people attended the party. (See photo on page 7) McGruff visits schools, homes to promote Halloween safety McGruff, the crime fighter dog, made an unscheduled appearance at two Pleasant Grove schools Friday to warn the children about Halloween Safety. McGruff planned to visit all the schools but he was so popular at the ones he went to that he could not get away in time to go to all of them. On Halloween night, McGruff visited several Pleasant Grove homes and gave the owners a treat, a nice sucker. Underneath the McGruff suit was Police Chief Mike Ferre. He was assisted by Lt. Tom Paul. The two were happy to report that there were no reports of candy tampering nor injuries during the popular holiday. (See photo on page 7) Legal Notice. . . P.G. budget open to public Notice is hereby given that a summary of the 1986-8- 7 budget including revenue sharing funds is available for inspection at the Pleasant Grove City Hall between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. This notice is given to comply with the public participation require-ment related to the use of revenue sharing funds. K.A. Driggs BudgetFinance Director Published in the Pleasant Grove Review, Nov. 5, 1986. - f ii '". |