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Show REAL ESTATE FOR SALE RENT TO OWN three bedroom, IVi bath townhouse condominium. Low to no down. Private courtyard, cour-tyard, Jacuzzi, weight room, laundry. Possible assumption. Larry, Webb Realtors, 756-6400, 756-2692. 2t 101 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HORSE AND HOUSE ON U ACRE. Priced to sell at $53,900. 3 bedroom, 1 bath home with family room, fenced yard, large trees, well, much more. Larry. Webb Realtors, 756-6400, 756-2692. 756-2692. 2t 101 r I MISC. FOR SALE .EFRIGERATOR, HARVEST GOLD, Sent Condon, $300. T.ble e C" al, set, $45. Kerosene jje, $100. 768-3618. 212 ttn viUAHA PIANO, studio upright. STatin f'n'sh. 5 years old, S new (10 year Si 756-5468. GS 17 rivfNEW PEARL IN-TFSNATI0NAL IN-TFSNATI0NAL DRUM SET with J"ats rf cymbals. $524. 756-?(90. 756-?(90. GS 1127 jgiSSISQ m KITTENS. 756-2316. ' It 10' 1 REGISTERED PUREBRED WW Spaniel pups, six weeks S Asking $100 or make oiler. ,at Russell Lund, 967-5013, , Boge- tund. 768-9863. 4t 1015 PETS & SUPPLIES PARAKEET AND CAGE. 785-5117 It 101 1 WANT LUSCIOUS GREEN PLANTS WITHOUT TLC. I can help! Silk plants, trees...goigeous - look real - fantastic prices. Silk Impressions, Im-pressions, 785-6146. A9lltfn . H,',lJi'Ni.Hv.H Les' Garage and Small Engine Repair Complete service on cars, trucks and small engines. 24-Hr. emergency service. For the Hunt: 4x4 Safety Check $10 Winterize your mower or tiller for only $5 Full service on ATV's (all makes) Les Emery - 756-8291 29 S. 400 E Am. Fork Bus. Hrs. 9-5 M-F Sat. by appt. APTS. FOR RENT THREE BEDROOM DUPLEX, two baths, family room, fireplace garage. $350mo. PI. Grove Call Stan, 785-3528 or 785-3447 It 101 SHlTliuO SQ. FT., two bedrooms, fridge, stove, WD hookups. No smoking. $235mo 756-6157. Up 101 AMERICAfT FORK TOWNHOUSE, two bedrooms, Vh baths. No smokers. Available Oct. 5 785-J 785-J 1656. It 101 AMERICAN FORK TWO BEDROOM APT. and one bedroom apt. ' Available Oct. 1. $275 and $225 per month plus deposit, includes heat bill. No smokers, drinkers or pets. Call Marvin Cartwright, R&W Realty, 756-3591 or home 756-3482. 756-3482. It 101 LARGE DELUXE TWO BEDROOM, carpeted, appliances, drapes, exc. location, 320 S. 500 E., Am. Fork. Adults preferred. 756-3749 It 101 DUPLEX IN A.F. Bay window, 2 bedrooms, fridpe stnve AC wn HOMES FOR RENT RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY, Am. Fork 5 bedroom home. $550mo.. $400 cleaning deposit. 756-6567 or 756-2919. 2t 101 STORAGE WAREHOUSE, 40'x60'x20'. Ideal for boatmotor home. $250month. Call 756-2693. 756-2693. 4t 1015 AMERICAN FORK STORAGE, 6x15- - $25, 9x15' - $35, 12'x30' - $54. 32 West 100 North, 756-7370. 911 tfn SHOP 1500 SQ. FT. 3 overhead doors. 3-phase power. See al 687 East State Road, Lehi. Call 768-9206. 768-9206. It 101 ONE BEDROOM APT. 25oTqfT of business display. Ideal for hanriicraf t-type business. 12 E. Center, PI. Grove. $250 per month MOBILE HOMES. MOBILE HOME, 14x70. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, 1983. $185mo. Also 12x65, two bedrooms, $125mo. 756-3986 It 101 THREE BEDROOM PROVO HOME. Finished basement wfamily room, carport, tool shed, $49,900. 785-3787, 785-5176. 374-8787. 611 tfn IMMACULATE. Includes some furnishings. Located on same street as Barratt School and .church. 52 N. 900 E., American Fork. Call lor appointment, 224-4133 224-4133 belore 5, 756-7875 after 5. Ask lor Wendy.. 4t 1022 ILLNESS FORCES SALE OF NEW HOME and 16 acres. Reduced to $90,000. Cedarwood home, beautifully landscaped, all electric, coal and wood stove, full basement, two. baths, water L5ii Ed Price Melodie Westbury 768-8848 768-3819 EXCELLENT STARTER HOME. Price very affordable, large lot. $42,000. Call Melodie. V ACRE BUILDING LOT with animal rights. $13,000. Call Melodie, 768-3819 or 768 8848. NICE 4-LEVEL SPLIT in better Lehi area. 4 bedrooms, air conditioning, con-ditioning, fireplace, $74,900. Call Ed. 768-8848. BRICK RAMBLER, ideal for family or possible duplex. Call Ed SeViUe RealtT 224-7550 S 1 'iA'V Lloyd t j 4- . tV" 768-3547 ' Tv J Tammy L. ,1 1 W.,. 768-9632 Lloyd Brooks Tammy Comer LOVELY BRICK RAMBLER in upper Lehi, 3 bdrms. 2 car gar, full basement, 1 ac with animal rights, 26x30 shop. Call Tammy DECORATED WITH CLASS large lot, excellent neighborhood by Lehi High School. Full basement, all for only $55,000. Call Tammy LOTS OF EXTRAS AT $75,000. This Alpine home sits on Vi ac, animal rights, 2 car gar, vaulted ceilings, and more. Call Tammy LARGE BEAUTIFUL HOME in PG. Poss bsmt apt, new carpet, 2 car gar, view of Timp and view of city lights. Call Tammy AFFORDABLE 5 BDRM 2 fm rm's, oak cabinets, vaulted ceiling in liv rm, cobblestone fpl, insert fpl in bst. $79,900. Call Lloyd 6 BDRM Vi ac 3 fpl's, 2 fm rm's, 3 baths, dbl gar, stg shedroot cellar, surface well, garden, orchard, animal rights. Call Lloyd LOVELY OPEN DESIGN 3 bdrm, 2 bath, laundry on main, 2 fm rm's, 2 fpl's, room to grow in bst, dbl gar, Vi ac lot. $84,900. Call Lloyd $49,900 FOR THIS North Orem 3 bdrm, .92 ac. lot. Call Lloyd LOTS i ACREAGES ' ac, Vi ac, 1 ac, 3 ac, 5 ac, 7 ac, 8 ac, 11 ac, with bldg permits starting at $5,000 per acre. 15 ac & 17.4 ac pasture starting at $2200 per acre. Call Lloyd I I . 1 Robinson-Wilson ll ---N-f Realty r j John Jolley LA ' 756-3591 I -A )V or 756-6888 JOLLEY'S BEST BUYS: Up to 15'-i acres in West Pleasant Grove. Has older home with barns. Will sell in smaller pieces. Is zoned for multi-units. Just $13,000 per acre. Call now. John Jolley, 756-3591 756-3591 or 756-6888. UNBELIEVABLE PRICE AND IN AMERICAN FORK. I have two. Just three years old, two slory with 100 percent tasement. One priced at $43,000, the other $45,000. Big lot, two-car carport, central air. Two and three bediooms. A must to see! Call John Jolley, 756-3591 or 756-6888. EXECUTIVE-TYPE TWO STORY ON NOB HILL IN AMERICAN FORK. Six bed'ooms, 3Vi baths, 2 family rooms, 2-car garage, central air, all landscaped. It's a beauty. $115,000. Call John, 756-3591 or 756-6888. SHARP HOME IN NORTH PROVO. Four bedrooms, with area to grow. One bath plus r.i. in basement. You'll be pleased with the view. Just $49,950. Small, small down. Call John Jolley, 756-3591 or 756-6888. I NEED LISTINGS!! I have sold over two million this year. Most have been my own listings. Give me a chance to work for you. Call John Jolley, 756-3591. Drop us a line. Your catch is guaranteed! 756-7669 j 270 MARLIN RIFLE, left-handed bolt, with scope (mounted), and carrying case, plus box of shells 768-9997. 4t 101 ANTIQUE BRUNSWICK POOL TABLE, set of balls, pool sticks. 756-2112. GS 109 IWIIHMJ. j RICH, BLACK MOUNTAIN TOP SOIL. Also slag, sand and gravel. 785-6780 or 768-9612. 910 tfn MOUNTAIN TOPSOIL, also sand, slag, gravel, fill material. Will deliver. We load pickup trucks. 785-3125 or 756-9192 or 785-4650. 785-4650. 4t 101 J REAL" ALPINE MOUNTAIN TOPSOIL. Hauling, slag, sand, gravel, backhoe service. 756-3675. 326 tfn . ALPINE TOPSOIL, call Lawrence Butterfield, 768-8243. 35 tfn I 1 nnriTAi hookups, shed. No pets $250mo, $200 deposit. 785 5728. Up 101 LEHI TWO BEDROOM APT. W hookups, AC, newly remodeled We pay heat, you pay lights. Ni pets. 768-8833. ltp 101 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHEC apartments in Am. Fork. 3 room1 bdrm., Ig. rooms, nice carpets anc drapes. Smoking OK. No pets. Yoi pay lights only. Starting a $200mO: $100 deposit. Call 756 6078, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. 2t 108 COUPLES ONLY, newly decorate; 3 room furnished apartment. Ni smoking, no pets. Utilities, excep lights. 60 W. Center, PI. Grove Call Fred Keetch, 785-2914. 1 101 AMERICAN FORK ONE BEDROOM APT. Non-smoking. $190. 768 3979. It 101 AM. FORK TWO BEDROOM CONDO TOWNHOUSE. 80 N. 400 E. No smoking or pets. $290month. 225-0505, 225-7044 or 756-9339. 14t 108 AM. FORK BASEMENT APT. for couple or single person. Inquire 756-4860 after 3:30 p.m. 2t 101 includes utilities except lights ; 785-1021. It 101 . - Z0'x30' BUSINESS BUILDING. See ' at 60 W. Mam, Lehi. $200mo. 756-3411 or 768-3129. 4t 1015 ) OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE on I Mam Street, American Fork, three different offices. Call 756-5282. I 4t 108 OFFICE SPACE at 20 S. Center St., . 1m. Foik. 600 sq. ft. carpeted, AC, bathroom, lighted off-street larking. $175mo. Call Jack, 756-j 756-j i459. 827tfn ) t CHOICE OFFICE SPACE for rent at . 122 N Center, Am. Fork. Carpeted t and air conditioned. Call 756-3377 756-3377 or 756-3317. 49 tfn I I REAL ESTATE z;:;::;7 shares. Call 785 118b. 101 tin PL. GROVE SIX ROOM, lii bath, garage, large rear patio, stove, (ridge. Vacant. Exc. cond. $41,500. 40 Alpine Avenue. Call 785-2997. GS 220 MUST SACRIFICE - Lehi view area. Beautiful new 4-level split. Vaulted ceilings, large kitchen with pantry. 2 full baths, 3 bedrooms, large deck, 2-car carport. $65,000. 1074 N. 830 E., Lehi. For appt., 785-0315. 4t 108 CUSTOM LEHI RAMBLER, 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, large country kitchen with den and fireplace, central airheat, two-car garage with Genie, V4 acre with fruit and garden, 3200 sq. ft. total. RV pad, fenced yard. $84,000. 768-3125. GS26 ASSUMABLE FHA LOAN 8J. 1460 sq. ft. each floor. Full basement, finished. 4 bedrooms finished, two fireplaces, large fruit storage area, fenced, double garage, auto sprinkling, fruit trees. Close to park, church, schools. $82,900. Will consider offer. 220 N. 775 E Am. Fork. 756-3078. No agents. 24tp 1224 $400 DOWN, $350month buys Learn the long and short of real estate investing. Don't miss our upcoming CENTURY 2T" Investor Workshop. Seating is limited, so call now. See you there. Wed., Oct. 8, 1986 7:00 p.m. Holiday Inn, Provo FREE Admission Put Number 1 to work for you rimnn . Robinson & Wilson Realty 405 East State - Am. Fork - 756-3591 '0 fJ86 .ind Century 2 1 Real Estate Corporation Lqu.il I tuusing Opportunity (2) INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED. Well kept, nice location, NE American Ameri-can Fork. Next to ballfield. 2430 Sq. Ft., 4-Bedrooms, large 100 X 95 lot. Reduced to $72,000 FHA financing at low interest. Call 24 hrs. E. K. Lane, 785-6030 B. Brown RE. I j 'i r. t i J f ; t . . ") , i o J ! , . Jt ' 1 vi:..,.. 7 GRAND OPENING - Ryder Truck Rentals, Oct. 11 at 10 a.m. Enter drawing now for a FREE local rental ($50 value). FREE professional packing boxes to first 100 customers. Storage unit rentals up to 50 off. American Self-Storage, 420 E. 620 S.. American Fork (just off 1-15). 756-5388. 756-5388. 2t 108 WANT HOUSETRAILER TO SLEEP SIX. For the first week of the deer season. Call 756-3932. 101 tfn w 1 TWO BEDROOM LEHI DUPLEX, carpets, drapes, WD hookups. Call after 7, 785-3207. It 101 NICE TWO BEDROOM APT. in PI. Grove. United Surety. 375-5000. 4t 1022 LEHI TWO BEDROOM APT., couple preferred. Large yard. Paid utilities except heat. LDS standards. Available immediately. Call 768-9166 after 4 p.m. It 101 PL. GROVE TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX with unfinished basement. Appliances. AC, carport. No pets, no more than two children. $350mo. 756-4976. 756-4976. 4t 1015 LEHI TWO BEDROOM APT. Appliances, AC, $280. No pets. No nttre that !tvf!J"ttTiWtn. 756-4976. 756-4976. 4t 1015 LARGE TOWNHOUSE APT. in Am. Fork. Two bedrooms, IV? baths. Very nice, full basement tor storage. 235 W. 120 N., Apt. D. $345mo., $150 deposit. Call Dan at 756-7680 days or 756-2265 evenings. 4t 101 AMERICAN FORK HOME, six bediooms, two baths, large deck and carport. Nice yard with garden, $575mo. No pets. Robinson and Wilson Realty, Call LaMar, 756-3591 or home, 756-3904. 756-3904. It 101 AMERICAN FORK FIVE BEDROOM, 3 bath brick rambler. Two car garage, very clean. $550mo. $300 deposit. No smokers or pets. Available Oct. 1. Call Marvin Cartwright. R&W Realty. 756-3591, 756-3591, home 756-3482. It 101 ALPINE FOUR BEDROOM, large lot, newly repainted, very clean. $550 or best olfer. Call 756-3067. 2t 108 THREE BEDROOM, 2 batl townhouse condominium. Private courtyard, Jacuzzi, weight room laundry. $400mo., $200 deposit Lairy, Webb Realtors. 756-6400 oi 756-2692. 2t 101 LOG HOMES , Log Home Package 1.732 squaie feet. Thiee bedroom includes p.aiage loois, wood windows, etc. 9" FHA appioved logs. $15,500.00 delivered. 466-6284 CHOICE LARGE VIEW LOT in PI. Grove. Cuib and gutter, utilities stubbed in. $15,500 or best offer. 785-3345 or 785-6260, Kevin. GS 1218 FULLY IMPROVED 89' x 138' lot on Pleasanl Grove east bench. 756-6887. GS 128 60 ACRE PASTURE, gravity spunkier. . sub-irrigated, 800' frontage on Grover Boulder Hwy. 117. Power and phone available. Owner will finance, George Busenbark, Grover, Utah 84773. 1-425-3580. It 101 i 79 BROADMORE, two bediooms, : Iwo ballis and showers. 14 x 70. New carpeting. Located al 7 C's . Adult Park, 120 N. W. Stale, Am. Foik. Call 785-5645 oi see manage at trailer par k. GS 1119 cute three bedroom. 2065 N. 900 West, Lehi. Call 1-942-5206 or 1-943-0154 colled. GS 1211 CLEAN FOUR BEDROOM HOME. Large rooms, double car garage, large lot with mature fruit trees. Close to town and schools. Must see to appreciate. $55,900. 83 S. Center Lehi, 1-571-1780,. ,GS 1112 COMFORTABLE, ATTRACTIVE two bedroom, large lot, patio, spacious cement diive and parking area. Neai school, church, park, swimming pool. $43,500. Shown by appointment only. 785-4798, 785-5412, 756-6269. GS 1211 COMPLETELY FINISHED, 2500 sq. ft. Professionally landscaped, five bedrooms, 2'h baths. School, church close. Many extras. $89,000 or best olfer. 756-2662. 92 N. 900 East. Am. Fork. GS 1029 QUALITY HOME IN LEHI. Auto spr inkier system, cooler. Assume y? loan. Asking $88,000. 768-8842. 768-8842. GS 1126 SMALL OFFICE FOR SALE. 800 sq. ft. building, Lehi Main Street. Rear 23 rented at $200mo. Price $37,500. Will consider all offers. Call Pine Valley Realty, 756-3581, Ron Jones. 4t 108 $300 CASH and some of your labor buys a new FHA home. Larry, 756-2994 or 756-6400. 26t 117 webuild homesTnuT" TuTi HOUSES. We make a science oul of saving you money and specialize in quality, eneigy elliaenl homes. Fiee compute com-pute ized bids. Taylor Homes, 225 1919 or 756-3263. 115 lln Ray L Realty Co. 756-6052 166 West Main American Fork, Utah PRICE REDUCED - POSSIBLE CONTRACT: Lehi older 2 bdrms., 1 bath, utilily, newly painted 4 carpeted. Stan, 756-6052 or 756-2238. 756-2238. TRADE FOR DOWNPAYMENT - ASSUME LOAN, will consider anything ol value. 2 bdrms., 1 bath, NE AF. Ron,' 756-6052 or 756-2885. LOW DOWN - ASSUME LOAN, 4 bdrms., 1 bath, full basement, martial aits training area, large single garage. Arden, 756-6052 or 756-0283. TEN ACRES 1752 sq. ft., 4 bdrms., baths,' fireplace, extra large garage with pit plus storage. Mary, 756-6052 or 756-6636. FOR SALE BY OWNER 4 level split, 4 bediooms, 1 bath, lamily room, fireplace. Family oriented neighborhood in NE AF. Richard, 785-1716, or Ron. 756-6052 or 756-2885. FOR SALE BY OWNER - AF, 1254 sq. ft., 3 bdrms.. 1. baths, full basement, double carport, extra large fenced yard, very well kept. Jon, 734-9400 or Ron, 756-6052 or 756-2885. "Your Lehi Connection" Cherry Eastmond 130 West Main 768-8848 '768-8205 JUST REDUCED! $49,900. Really cute Lehi 3 bdrm. rambler. More bdrms. possible, full basement, large family room. Low down! COUNTRY LIVING-LEHI: Reduced again to $79,900. Two acres, animal rights. Comfortable older rambler, 4 bdrms., family room, ; fireplace insert, large kitchen, 5.5 shares irrigation. 5 BEAUTIFUL ACRES - LEHI: Zoned for one home or annex to Lehi and subdivide. $15. 000acre. MAKE OFFER! TERRIFIC LEHI BRICK HOME: Nice aiea, 4 bdrms., 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, vaulted ceilings, lovely lamily room and full basement. 2-cai garage and huge back yard, fenced. $68,900! ' YOU'LL LOVE IT! GORGEOUS HOT TUB ROOM 16' x 24'. Beautiful 5 bedroom home, Lehi. Huge family room, lava fireplace and I deck. Full finished basement. 2960 sq. ft. $89,900. Call Cherry s Holley Auto is now an official Emissions station for Utah County. No appt. needed. P' 1 GM QUALITY Sff I SERVICE PARTS GENERAL MOTORS PARTS DIVISION Holley Auto Company DO 1 1 BUICK 297 W. Main - American Fork V 756-3533 7 "Trrn ftl 7X. 13 Ask for Marvin al: Robinson and MARVIN Wilson Realty CARTWRIGHT v:-" Olfice: Home: 756-3591 756-3482 GREAT HORSE PROPERTY - LINDON. Four bedrooms, three baths, sharp, full-brick rambler. Two family rooms, two wood stoves, beauty shop, extra garage and shop. .5 acre. More acres available. Only $99,900. VERY NICE AMERICAN FORK BUNGALOW. Two bedrooms, unfinished un-finished basement, freshly painted and clean. Great location downtown, ideal for older couple or newlyweds. Only $35,000. AMERICAN FORK FRAME RAMBLER. New vinyl siding, lour bediooms. big lamily room on main, Fisher woodstove, laundry on main. Basement, storage shed. Good buy at $48,000. BEAUTIFUL SETTING IN ALPINE. Five bedroom, two bath brick rambler. Two car garage, large lot. laundry on main. Reduced from 95.000 to only $78,000. OLDER AMERICAN FORK BRICK RAMBLER. Great condition, large home. 1400 sq. ft., used as duplex now. Good investment Garage. .73 acre lot. just reduced from $64,900. Now only $58,900. BEAUTIFUL HORSE PROPERTY IN HIGHLAND. All brick rambler, four-car garage, four bedrooms. 3'i baths, sun room. 1 acre plus. Low priced at $108,000. IMMACULATE ALPINE HOME. Five bedrooms, two baths, high quality, beautiful ly decorated. Full brick, two-cat garage, in downtown Alpine. Two fireplaces. Only $79,900. I. I Ask about our classified .guaranteed I sale or buy i three weeks -and get ;a fourth iJPiiblicatiillli:!. UTAH PRESS ASSOCIATION SlJ Why should you t & TAP INTO THE y J Statewide l',i JF Classified Pipeline? Statewide Classified Ads Statewide classified ads to Utah's community newspapers aUcJTS Tyour ad in 35 newspapers U-oughcut the state. 11 One way. One phono call. way to cover the State of Utah is Call our classified department and we statewlQe classlfled ad . It is so will explain how the systsm works, help you write your ad, and place It in easyl all ths association newspapers. word $59. . For additional words over the basic 2S. O11 aL ,, ,mm the additional charge per word Is We can deliver your ad to 170.0UU homes in the State of Utah. 7805660 CAJAi TOUK LOCA1 BWWSPAPEH SOLD MOUNTAIN LAND REALTY, INC. 785 5013 1 ' ' f 4 A SI N' I HUM K OWNER DESPERATE. $4000 down, lake over payments. 1250 sq. ft. home. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, double car garage, lull walk-out basement, large yard. $59,000. ALL BRICK HOME. 1050 sq. ft. home with full basement, 4 bedrooms, fireplace, family room, large lot with mature landscaping. $48,000. Great buy! NEWER SPLIT LEVEL 1850 sq. ft. finished living area, large fenced yard $49 900 : State Inspection : Including all cars and Light, J medium duty trucks J Total Special Price If Car Passes and if we do the update work J Any repairs extra if required Any appliciable taxes extra 2 1 Valid only with coupon - Vflid after Oct. 31, 1986 2 Senior Citizen Discount i on All Service Work I .. , Zm&i t - - -- -i,- , in, n I, j m |