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Show I'liiicral Itiii'S ll Id I m-ls'li m-ls'li II. Ilursli Jmirniilvo fi'imral iii-.rvl(:i;H were ImlO In t.ho Manila Wnr (Wapiti on HitUinliiy Januiiry 18 for .lonnph llnnry ilurili, wlio died at liln hoimj In Manila curlier In the wei'.li. Tim opeiiliit; nutnher wim a violin Irlo, "I Know That My Redeemer rlven". I'myer wan offered by Ij. M. Atwood. Titlliii exUilllii) the vlrl.iieii. und (iioihmiiH of tlio departed were (;lv-mi (;lv-mi hy H. Hurt. Newman, II. V. Hweiifien, Wllllnin I)avlii, Vllaeo Hii.ilinn.il, Alex Wudley and rlimlnK rnmniliii hy lilnhop K. Wnrnlclt Hwi'Miiiin, who preiilded over the IH'I'Vlci'M. M 1 1 n I i l 1 niiinliiTH liiteriiperHlnx the iipeiilierii were u nolo, (Soliiff Homo, hy Mm. Itniwn; duet, lieau-llful lieau-llful lnle of Homewhere, Maiuino Allen ii nil Neldu Wurnlelt; Trio, In Kin (larilen, Ivan and 'coi;o Mini- linn and Maiiilne AudreWH, Hole), () My Kather, Miuirlne AndrowH. The cliiiilnt; prayer wiih Klven hy .Inhn I . .Knwnily. I'relnde and poiilliulo munU: wiih plivyod "by Kll'l'ln Adiinin, .. .' ', The Kravo wan dedleatod by I'renldent Merrill N. Wnnilek. I'all-heuroiM I'all-heuroiM were III. J. Jvllchaol, Krod Itinindy, Arehlo llinen, Jvun Man-mm, Man-mm, Cim'II 1 liiuliiiniin and Wllirain lUrharilMiin. |