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Show j Vote I I American Party ' DelmarH. Reay I CANDIDATE FOR 4 """ : ; HOUSE OF f - T -REPRESENTATIVES f District 34 For Constitutional tfj'ik j , , Government VOUTHEXPERIENCE S V REPUBLON """1 M 1 Paid Pol. Adv. by WarnickState t-,. f'.I Senator Comm., Merrill N. Warmck. , " ' mm o ellectec 031-. Most people pay their bills on a monthly basis CA IT , J !sU UP&L began, on October 1st, to change its billing practices so that all customers will be billed monthly. More convenient Electric meter reading Since most people budget for, and pay In the interest of economy, our bi-monthly their bills monthly, it is more convenient meter-reading practice for the majority for most people to get their electric of our customers will be continued and bill monthly. Also, with electricity going will be extended to include meters of up in price like most everything else, electric heating customers which were monthly bills at the higher rates will be formerly read monthly, easier for most customers to budget. The wav it was The change-over J Because we have to start somewhere, For many years, most UP&L residential some customers will get a two-month bill customers have been billed every two followed in about four weeks by a months. Most commercial and industrial one-month bill, accounts and those residential customers using electric heating were billed monthly. The way it will be It may take UP&L two months to complete To aid vour understanding of UP&L's the scheduling necessary to make the electric service, below is an explanation change-over , so in October and November of tne monthly billing form you will some customers will get bills covering one receive, month and others will get bills covering two months. After November, all UP&L customers will receive billings monthly. " I Firit Clin I Mj r - I $0Vr J?5lEoUHI5J? fnac 4. ui J (irijjavi 1 PUASi MINO tNTIym -. uJcih pousst & tlsjht company ELECTRICITY - USE WHAT YOU NEED, BUT NEED WHAT YOU USE |