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Show PG Cfy Council Has Busy Session With all present, except Councilman Marvin Green, Mayor Paul T. Fordham and members of the Pleasant Grove City Council held a busy meeting meet-ing Monday night at city hall. Blaine Brailsford and Harold Armitstead discussed the proposed pro-posed new road, which will be a continuation of Ninth South from Locust Avenue to Highway High-way 91. James Hindley and Clive Beck discussed further development devel-opment of a new grandstand at the rodeo arena. They reported report-ed that a dismantled steel grandstand was available at Las Vegas with an asking price of $50,000 though they felt it might be purchased for much less. They also said that freight trucks, returning empty from California, would transport the stands to Pleasant Grove for bare expenses. Mr. Hindley and Mr. Beck were advised to dicker for a lower price. Jack S. Pace, representing the Chamber of Commerce, proposed that the city join with the C of C in the publication of a 10,000 copy tourist and industrial in-dustrial brochure for Pleasant Grove at an estimated cost of $1,500. Mr. Pace was advised that such a project would not be feasible until after the start of the budget year, July 1, 1969, but that the council would look favorably on the project when money could be budgeted for it. Sherwood West asked permission per-mission to install a trailer house on his own property. He was told that such a project was contrary to city ordinances and was advised to build a conventional home on his property. prop-erty. Bids for a new dump truck for the Streets Department were opened. However, no contract con-tract was awarded, pending approval ap-proval of the State Road Commission Com-mission .relative to the use of Class "C" Road Funds for that purpose. Requests were received from Mountain States Telephone Company for permission to install in-stall underground cables at various areas of the city. The request was tabled, pending further study. The Council set up definite and official rules and regulations regula-tions relative to city employee vacation, sick leave, incapacitation, incapac-itation, overtime and time off. he CituncilenveenhuEvar-sjsss The Council members voted thanks to the local chapter of University Women for the books the organization donated to the city library. Councilman Jesse K. Thome requested that advertisements for bids be published for rental of city owned pasture land and also for the purchase of the old cannery truck weighing scales. The request was granted. The council agreed to the adoption of a schedule of building build-ing permits for church buildings build-ings in Pleasant Grove. The council approved the attendance at-tendance of Charles Holman at the Building Inspector's Seminar, Semin-ar, to be held in Salt Lake City, Feb. 26, 27, and 28. The Council also discussed the possibility of converting 200 South into a one-way Street. The proposal was referred to Councilman Paul Blackhurst and the streets committee for further study. |