Show LUAL department NOTICE OE SALE OF REALI SPATE escate TAKEN FOR TAXES NOTICE is ia hereby given biven that pur to the provisions of section compiled laws of utah 1917 as amended liy by chapter session laws of utah IJ tah 1921 tile the following described pro perty will he be exposed for bior sale bale at the front door of the county court houie in in junction piute diute county utah on tho the day of may 1925 teras cash W WT T dennis lots 14 and 15 blk 12 marksville marysvale Marys vale ville townsite charlea Cli arlea dutson lots lota 21 and 22 loring add allen alien cameron loarf Garfield beld james beg N 8 95 ch E of center Cente of sec 20 20 T w p 27 S R 3 W S L M runs N f t W it f t S sapo f ft t t garfield Garfi eid james beg 1 6 ahw ch W of Is K E cr cor of N W 11 of swa tap twp 27 S II 11 JW S L M runs S ach S at 9 W 25 2 5 ch S 70 W 2 75 eh ch S 20 WI W 1 5 ch S 37 W 30 ch W 75 ch S JH 38 W eh ch S 62 wa 5 ch S 22 W ath 2 cli S 28 3 70 ch S 49 N W 3 5 6 ch e h W 3 21 ch N 1 20 cli ch E 3 06 ch 52 30 ch E 1333 13 33 eh ch ch E V ell di harry II 11 any cull and R RA A cuff SE ij ol 01 sic sec 25 imp 27 S SR R 4 W S L M and sv S of NW and SV swa 4 0 of f N ml and N na ali i of see sec 27 twp tap 27 S ra R 4 W S LM L M murtha maitha M dennis swa SW of SW swa 14 se sec Z 24 tap twp 27 sra S R 3 W S L M george gt urge greenough all of blk 8 plat it 11 3rd ard add beg at SW cor of NE i ol of NW N W I 1 see sec 5 tap twp 30 b S it 3 W S L hl runs runa N 27 7 ids L 31 ads rda S 27 ads V 31 ids J vicy W bay beg at NE E cor of lot I 1 blk 6 5 plat B junction survey runs W V 13 in i ids d s S 13 ids L E 17 2134 aft f t N ba f ft t E i 50 f ft t N 34 3 4 I 1 f ft t JW jubay J W bay beg 38 ads W of N L E lor cor nwe IS W sec bee 9 30 S R 3 W S L M runs huns b 80 adzi rda L 38 rdo N 39 i ids NW 40 ads ids and SW kwof ea see sec 9 tap twp 30 sra S R 3 asal WS W S L Al magnus johnson beg at secor SE cor of leof NW nwe of see sec 32 tap twp S ita K 3 W SL M runs runa W bo 80 ads N 60 50 ads E 80 ads GEORGE GREENOUGH beg 13 ads V of N E cor of lot I 1 wk blk 1 1st ast add to plat B junction survey runs ards ads S E L ads N ads rda GEORGE geltl ENOUGH all of lot 1 blk 5 3rd ard add to plat B J S CARL VEAT ER R jami JAM 0 S STEEL dreeli E in the NE cor ol of lot I 1 blk 7 by AM DOBSON lot I 1 blk 2 cicele ville townsite Town silL CARL VEATER lots 12 blk 5 gills add ul tl OR ORGE E POX FOX beg ads E of BW S W cor see sec 29 tw lap 1 30 h S it h aw V b S L M runs runa E 26 3 ards N bards bords W 26 3 ards S GEORGL GEORGE FOX beg L E of SW cor of SL of SE i sec becOT 30 tap twp wp 30 S P R aw SL M runs L E N surds i W S G E POX beat INE cor of see sec 31 twp tap au b S it 3 aw W S L 1 na M it runs uns W b N to beg WILLARD E I 1 HATCH M of NW see sec 10 tap twp 27 S it I 1 lv V S SL L M AMA neta ie of see sec 29 twp tap 27 S IL 1 W S L al JH J H brinkerhoff rj of SL SE see sec 13 tap twp tw p 29 S it R 2 W S L NI and NEI NEA aa of nea see 21 twp tap 29 b S R 2 W S L M JOHN CONDER ij I 1 i j of SI SE j S sic ec 26 twp tap 29 S R 2 aw W S L al S 0 1 b S 4 see sec 21 twp tap 30 S R S L M MARTIN ni N oase i of SE amzy NE oi of SW SI 4 of nali see bee 23 tap twp T wp 30 S R 2 V W alm S 1 M NW of nwe sec 28 twp tap 30 S it aw fc L at STEVE me NELLYS sati swi of na L N bof X 1 of S sl I 1 swi of ISI see bee 34 84 twp tap 30 S R aw BLECHER BEECHER HILL cabin track and car BUTLER BECK CO mill 1314 bober boi er engine J agine and stamps GOLDEN QU PEN MINING CO cabin car and track MAPLE MINING CO cabin M MINING CO engine boiler and hoist MONTE DEL RAY MINING CO shop whim m car track and anI Tools NA N A FARRY MINING co house and tools toole SIGNAL SIG NAL MINING CO cabin water wheel SILVER CAVE MINING CO cabin car irack Track and tools tois silver king mining co boarding and bunk houses Track Car and tools claud kenyon beg 13 1 3 ft E 30 ft bof N of secor of SW of see sec 20 27 runs N E S beg by order of the board of county commissioners Commissioner of piute diute county utah U tali john H luke county comity auditor first P 11 at publication may 1195 la laa t publication may IN THE SIXTH CO COURT U RT STATE OF UTAH cobun COUNTY 1 OF PIUTE alda aida V woolley plaintiff vs william R woolley wool icy defendant defenda nt THE STATE OF UTAH TO SAID DEFENDANT you are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you if served withiel vi the county an fn abich the I 1 he aati m is ie brought otherwise within thirty days after servie service cand and defend the above entitled action and in case of your failure to do so judg judgment mert aill ill be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint which hits has been filed with the clerk of cid court this action is brought against you to obtain a decree dissolving the hond bonds of matrimony heretofore hereto foi foie e and low existing be beleen you the lefenda defendant nt anil ani the plaintiff herein and for reasonable provi provision ion foi i he sul support port of plaintiff and fr for her oft t anti and attorney fees residence junction utah gilbert IL beebe attorney for plaintiff first publication api i 10 1923 1925 last publication may alay 8 1925 NOTICE fa FOR publication ION publisher USLAND at salt lake city utah april 7 1925 NOTICE is herbuy riven given that lee chappell of lyman utah who on may 15 1919 driad homestead entry no 02 1294 for NF sei sl 41 N el K t j section 9 N W wi S W ti 4 swa W 1 1 X N W aji S section action 10 ship ip 28 south range 3 eist east of spit lake meridian has filed notice of intention to make mak three ethree year proof to establish claim to the land above described lefore the alvik of th district estrict court at loa utah on the 23 day of may 1925 25 claimant names vs as witnesses ole willam chappell david callahan charles Cli arlea cha chapell Cht pell all of lyman utah kli eli F taylor raylor register firu publication april last publication may F I 1 ea 45 NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF PIUTE COUNTY STATE OF UTAH MAX KROTKI plaintiff vs industrial U PO POTASH TASH CO corporation a corporation anil and COLUMBIA COLUMB ik TRUST COMPANY a corporation def defendants end ants TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN CONCE RN notice is hereby given that the un der signed max alax krotki plaintiff herein on the day of may A D 1925 at 10 AM in tha th court room of said court will present pres enthis his notice of claim of liens as set forth fully in the complaint now on file in mid court in the above entitled action for foreclose fore fo clos ure and other action according colaw to law upon the following described premises situated in piute diute county stute state of utah all those certain mining claims situated in the ohio and mt baldy mining districts piute diute county state of utah known aa the close in in group notices of which said aid respective c spec tive locati locations ens are of record in the office of the county recorder of said piute diute county state of utah said mining muang claims being numbered as follows foll ws to wit cluse close in no 1 close in ili no 8 close in no 2 close in no io 9 close in no 3 close in no 10 close in no 4 close in no 11 II CI loin 0 ein no 5 close in no 12 G I 1 se be in no 6 close in no 13 ose in no 7 close C lose in no 14 all those certain d mining claims situated in in the durkey mining Pi strict piute diute county state of utah known as aa the white hill group C r 0 u I 1 notices of which said respective locations are of record in in theof the office of tho tha county recorder oi 01 piute diute county state of utah said ed mining claims being numbered as followers to wit whito white hill no 1 white hill no 12 white hill no 2 white hilno hill no 12 white hill ili no 3 white hill no I 1 white hill 1111 no 4 white hill no 14 white hill no 6 white hill no 0 o 15 white hill no 6 white hill no 16 walte h to hill no 7 white hill no 17 white hill no 8 white hill 11 no 0 18 white while hill no 9 while hill hilj no 19 white hill no 10 white hill no 2 20 0 white hill no 11 white hill no 21 ta together ethar with all the appurtenance appertaining to said mining claims and mining properties and all leronel leron nl property properly of every kind annj description in in and ulon ul U on tn said mining claims un und mining proper properties pio pertie A all it pere ans holding or 01 cini ining mechanics chani cs or other lions liens under the pro pio visions visions of chapter 1 I title 02 62 compiled laws of utah 1917 upon said premises mining claims and mining milling property are here by notified to ap pear before said court at the time and place above specified to exhibit then and there the proof of said liens dated this day of april 1925 MAX first publication april 1719 5 last 1 ast publication ma we ve daresay it if a waa man lint as much in uch judgment before thirty its after there would seldom he be I a skeleton in ills family closet gilbert R beebe JUNCTION UTAH dr MW M W billow bigelow PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON electo coagulation of tonsils i done at any time patient maj may go about usual duties as soon as tonsils are arc T treated rented PANGUITCH UTAH BAM BAP OW BROSI BROS GARAGE sit got your sn at junion of the llie roads i ALL ALLWORK WORK 5 gal stroke PUMP 5 0 0 sal oil gas oils and accessories FIRESTONE CORDS FISK TIRES CHRYSLER AND CHEVROLET AGENCY easy terms forms ride 1110 while paying dont keep that old car when tl CEK rn life fiffe it I 1 I 1 P RED GARAGE UT vulcanizing VULCAN IZING let nie me take over you TIRE troubles Tiou bles A AH it kinds of tire repairing done all vork guar g an decd MAYNARD MciNTO Sll junction ut AM Q ann IN CASH arst prize PRIZES is 2000 open F to everybody every body bidy anywhere for A answers ns in educational contest prizes duplicated if tied send stamp for circular rules and questions SHEFFIELD laboratories dept 9 aurora illinois 9 J N IN I E HOTEL aw EL marysvale Marys vale vaie utah remedied with gitil I all mo modern cherri collver conveniences hooted Heti teci booma 1001 1 baehm buit kunning 1 ll 11 11 ili jig water breakfast ic f 7 to alti lunch 12 Z piru di niler ni ler ier car for hire day daar or right night B H king prop 1719 F B 50 5 REWARD p IF I 1 FAIL TO GROW CROW HAIR oriental hair air root grower I 1 worlds greatest hair grower growe r grows grown hair on bald heads it must not be put where hair is not wanted cures dandruff and all scalp troubles per jar AGE AGENTS WANTED PROF MS CROSSE main street winnipeg man canada tg A |