Show set strawberries early in spring Is pst fist plan As AB a rule it Is best beat to out ant strawberry plants to in the april bulte early and give them good care throughout the season they give their maximum crop of fruit the second season after r p planting lanting though they will give more or less fruit for several years hut but after the first crop the berries ar are 0 likely to be small email in the tall fall after the ground Is about ready to freeze a mulching liln of bean straw clover liay or some other kind of straw should he be applied to give some protection during the winter and keep the fruit clean tit at bearing time the mulch should not he be applied very heavy however strawberry rry plants may ilso be set out in august if good plants can be secured aud provided the lie ground Is not too dry to get them started but august planting will not give as much fruit the next year offer setting as will the plants set out in the prang |