Show NINE MONTHS TAX RECEIPTS SHOW BIG DECREASE OVER FORMER REPORT new york leads leada all with bout one fourth of the sum collected florida florid shows show substantial increase washington internal revenue re celita for the first nine months of the present fiscal year tell fel 1 short of the total taxes gathered during the same period in the fiscal year 1924 the treasury announced total receipts tor for the first nine months of 1924 were while the same period this year vear netted but although income tax receipts tor for the period this year were approximately double ane returns from miscellaneous cel laneous taxes the decrease was waa almost the same the former ed and the latter miscellaneous receipts totaled T the greatest decrease la 11 income taxes tor for this year under last year ocue in the quarter f om january 1 to march 31 a total of 00 while miscellaneous receipts fell off about 42 in the same quarter the largest decrease in those receipts came in the july I 1 to september 10 30 quarter ii a total of about new york leads from all sources in 1925 with or one fourth of the total collected however this was about 47 short of the total for 1924 income tax receipts in now new york ork fell from tor for the 1924 pe to for 1925 while miscellaneous taxes dropped from to pennsylvania was second with a total from all sources of illinois was in third place with michigan followed with and ohio with other states were as follows california maryland the district of columbia massa massachusetts chu new jersey 81 texas 25 and virginia ja florida was one of tho the states show ini ing an increase in 1925 period over 1921 1924 1 with this year ear against lat last year Flo larger total was duo due to an increase from approximately 6 C 00 1 l lo io income taxes both virginia and north carolina showed increased total recel receipts apts as a result of large miscellaneous taxes chiefly on tobacco |