Show the folks who know by DOUGLAS MALLOCH MALI OCR are four kinds kind of who T know the first know not at all and very frankly tell you SO BO yes when they cant recall the name of thip abl the name of that own up and let it go at that the second class will wink the ey els and try with hems road and haws to make you think the right reply they do not give because although they know it might be well perhaps be better not to tell the third reply right off this the reel whatever you inquire and love their kno knowledge wadge to reveal to student sage gage and sire know that comes along and almost always know it wrong the fourth have studied long and hard bard experience and book have lear learned ried with caution to regard the things at which they look and men like that will tell to you not what they know but they do and of the four tho the first and last will answer you the best the first will never lead you past the truth the last will test tb the 0 t truth ru th before your v very e ry eyes for naught Is certain to the wise wilie 0 by mcclure mcclur syndicate |