Show eps as r s FISHI variety is the spice of life 1 elit eat rash fish for a change chang it sure is good after eating pork park and beer beef so im much gj SALMON and HALIBUT each week L J TA the hee matheson meat market gyss Sy ss s sa Sf iSS SS SS IS SS Sg 1 I 1 often neglected A III there are many legitimate channels for spend I 1 1 ing your money the savings channel I 1 is just as I 1 important as the meat channel or mr grocery channel J or the cloths claths channel and ad he has a Ig iotte tte claim for its proper share sham don t lay aside too large amounts make them wi small enough and then keep at it at 0 BANK OF IRON COUNTY 3 ag SS FOR SALE lumber of all kinda rough lumber 30 aaa 00 00 per pei on finith surfaced faced one me ad 40 00 1 rustic 8 in 45 00 6 A pickets 1 I 1 14 A 4 in square aft long ac a pit piece peerless lumber co J W benson jos B dalton sleeplessness an demmus A A store of friendly service what store is ready to serve you every hoail the day every day of the year TO aks vao store do you instinctively go when you want to use the phone or buy a stamp tore store do you trust with your life when you ill your drug store of cound you re welcome at this drug store whatever your errand call on us for toilet arliew cigars and cigarettes candy and all dra sundries let us compound your you Elip eions for you remember we sell all kinds of package fifon cities cines you 11 ll find a complete line al dr miles medicines medicine s here we recommend and guarantee teem we have every everything thAng a first class drug storo ectore should have even to stamps and post wis carac come in im parowan carowan drug co SPECIALS on seasonable goods we have just completed our inventory and find that we are still over stocked in a number of lines so t that halwe we will have some exceptional values on our BARGAIN COUNTERS BE SURE AND investigate all our overshoes that are seasonable willi will be on bargain counter at half price wilford day mercantile go cal A 0 |