Show call for baij bij badu at 10 a in jan 9 ath th 1922 1921 the bids will be opened by the lle t board of county corni commissioners of iron co at the court house in carowan parowan Pa Pio rowan nwan for the erection of a county hospital in cedar city ty bids v ill be as follow a s I 1 general did bid covering the furnishing furm ehing of all labur labor and material and building mid bald hospital accord to plans and specifications prepared by architect randall L jonos jones 2 plumbing and heating ovar covering the furnishing of all labor and and materials material and making complete in stal lations of plumbing and heating seconding according to plans and specific specification atlon prepared by architect randall L jones bids must be accompanied by I 1 certified creek cleck for at feast 5 per cent of the amount of the bid A deposit of 10 0 00 will it be dequir ed for plans and the board bo rd reserves tive the right to reject any and all lids bids sf signed ened board of bounty commissioner of iron imn colarte Co coar larty ity john W bentley clerk |