Show NEW OFFICIALS HOLD FIRST SESSION make appointments appointment of standing committees and ill fill all 11 II appointive poin tive offices name general committee for or P pioneer day celebration adjourn to meet on thursday night with mayor P C van buren presiding and all the members of the newly newl elected council present tl e new city administration held its il first business meeting last night at eight 0 clock the out going recorder mr lift orsono orson 0 orton orion nas present to anio the minutes until the bond bead of recorder elect L J adams was ar ap proved after which he surrendered possession of AN all ree records cords etc to to mr adams A darnis the first boun business cess of the meeting after the preliminaries were deepens ed with was the tha appointment by may ma or van buren with the ap appio in oval ial of the council of standing committees as A follows the first named being chairman electric lights committee john T Rasmos sm DA D A matheson and joseph B dalton water S stem comm committee atee thomas D adams S A halterman and joseph B dalton streets is and sidewalks committee S A Halt halterman ernam thomm thomas 1 D ada adama and john T cemetery committee D A matheson john T and S A halterman ordinance and auditing committee Co armad it jos B dalton S A halterman and john T it will mil be noted that the chairmen chairman of the he first three committees are am the same in the previous administration the he appointments were so made said the mior mim because of their knowledge inow ledge of the business appointive offices wine then filled as follows marshall and supervisor isor of streets and sidewalks sidewalk thomas bennett justice of the peace geo D morns minn sexton 11 8 hyatt hiatt attorney H C Par parcells eells city electrician and supervisor of waterworks water works S A matheson Mathe soa health officers dr F I 1 burton members of the health board wm win pritchard and edward bentley thomas D adams and D A matheson mer appointed as asa a general committee for the pioneer day cile celebration bration with authority to appoint whatever er assistance they r required and the request thit that they sea me that the day of january is a fit tingas celebrated other matters of kraii minor importance wre consi considered ered and disposed of a lew less claims claim we were allowed biad and ad the meeting adjourned until thursday night at which time important mattere pertaining to the disposal of leati t etc win be considered M mr chas A oct orton aboe on the lie sick lit lately but us is getting bette atter now old oid time line at la da h and at imogene adens we ate am apples and had bad ft a juch 11 good into T to 0 E eva adams we bad music candy y and pop p P coin a bulls balls so you yon will know lint a we had b I 1 a good time vie ia a are a very industrious bunch BO an we take our work to our meetings W we re are am eco enjoying oving two nights each week w ek in the pool our instructors mr and mrs van buren may be come dis heartened at t times us As to pur ever laar learning tang to swim but we w are re determined tp best beat to learn wine at ft the different ig strokes rokes and nd t b to help mi ns i vey y much appreciated |