Show all corner comers of the earth complete H hartory of th the a part week told d r in puga paragraph A prepared for the busy reader rader intermountain eastern and papers continue it to point i big scramble for wool from the am oming ing clip alp of the meet the am part pan of einie wool I 1 dollack 9 members of the 11 thield elcust C I 1 hip in ft traffic league ned filed a formal a appl ja a ion with the public uti utilities litin wa asan that railroads be re luied furnish am tree transportation wic tor the car caretaker maket of one car t tt TI I 1 e application D names all railroads railroad in an um the state as defendants te A christmas chew cheer 1 in the tha way of il dinners lowers was distributed among that many y A anaconda ad d mont mona families lu m eluded la in much each dinner wilds was a 12 pound roast t potatoes pota tors and it vegetables butter re raisina hillus candlen candies tiute imas and it all 11 the imick knack ne cesary y for far a real met it dinner sort soft drinks are am sold old la in 10 establish m IW I W 1 ID butte baltic according to A a survey just joe completed b li city food inspector acting under ruder directions of the state health department which Is arranging to june a fa 2 no fee fee 1 all I manufacturers an rod and of foods and add beverages in ib 17 1922 george IV walker Wall conductor was A asphyxiated asphyxia ted and three other tr trainmen were overcome bv gap gaa or smoke grook when their train apparently r 1 was 1 stalled 10 it 11 ina tunnel inane between ce st L john a A junction rural 0 a and port fort id it the train traill waa moo found st stand d ing oear near Us the east cast end of the tunnel rel which to about aatlo a mile lang ions anfor ina on from twenty seven orth m states show otal 0 bof gulding it g contracts an hae A hem been A BV erfle tz that jia coming mg bear ear at alu elc c jilt 1 total I Is indicated in con can ton tem K rork rk for far the past month mi cal 1 ig LOT 0 rr or more mom than oo an id hip ahl beun bean under total ow outlaws tha for far the year up j an abor 11 arm are 11 per cent a have th mi file your year age averlee out VOT our recreation ranks today 66 96 on mi of r resources 8 or of li onal forests forest according ba to the I 1 t report of line the forest ser act vl I 1 U ci stales buto dep of agri 1 I i ture ten the of large raw num ity bin an of pie oil no I 1 favored in rd recreation no n ere problems prO IU blema of awn of n adda and it ot of protection of pub pic orty perty which cannot safely cutely brav be d ir pt pilo PP P P scott ot of the air mall mail ser tic c itzin ah added in the bills twenty irile trl eiko ELL when the amial engine of 0 III bm PI plane I 1 hoina on a connecting rod end and add ti fa aa forced to walk far eleven I 1 hoars ahm through gh before reaching ELI ebat as 13 now carrying i ig at a 45 pistol brhen making a dig flights A pack of altea abich aich followed varda rde bo be life hang the pit pilot A he h tramped toward the berada herada 1 city caused him consider able his an una anen he ul not take lati any mm mar hanm in the event anwat of another tore an leading landing G GENERAL loul sti Sll Terman am SO and b hr brother flat were killed on a ranch aa near iia be art ant ten miles from san from cic when a gratl 11 jr 1 tn rate chic were w joe was ban blown OT ir P G I 1 amas mad and a fifty mile gale gaile am ing together along uie the central ct ci utomi to L me ma mer lIa anade a a complete comple M rod and tiena y day ago at r argales 91 9 1 es V e r I 1 is I 1 e killing of posta r nit pearson peas during a B 3 oe 00 etore at ruby ai 26 6 ile he implicated ri c pi a a tl ti I 1 watter so BO dilo daj rh fh did di d at jack jach L li ft from a 1 t L E aeme bety to j ong his dolfl con L I 1 li 3 acy until t L praz tl TI IS en be 1 taken ito iio loula louis 1 1 the find atia W loun in col cae gaill till vi ei tery T T e tal ie states commissioner C I 1 fit fil P C claxton im pointed out P ail t M ODO P bild lid for furs fun in fa J ji 1 H a 1 w 1 ta 1930 1920 1 ial more mom the than I 1 tv if b of all 11 high higher or education in and profession selon andele schools whether blip a y P t public taxation or privately endowed a A BO 60 mile 01 fallt all through the of a bitter renault winter ifor to 20 1 fund food remittance wu was described 1 in V nw ita from surge beree anuar V itch of R brusela tank bald ad hit his H and it fun four children a it were on oa me verge ems of st starvation tio when naive word it rowel lial him bin that an America 6 relief la t adent DA awaited him at musset me lie set out oa an foot through the leavy heavy AT sw now reaching reach lne moscow then da later he pounds of ana food fol john J I 1 armile ws wits hauled out ont of me his expense al aru annj O ul for far gwo 0 tifft v clu niza pon p on it pat police cc sa da it he had been dr 1 ang 1 around I 1 babu rai 1111 f fir ve veral several ral hows hour it distributing part ot 1 til p A sto 1 a of wines and among his hie 1 arlenda T the 7 charge as was that of and transporting liquor ka ft itne od as nell 11 as 1 lt ua contents wax am belied aland grades handed tided out to high school and college at students dents on their goal final A ex andra tim frettim frequently aly dep depend depa A more a on the temper and it gration digestion of the K grader rader than the contents ot their examination papers ben D wood assistant to bean ded haages HAS it of columbia university 1 M ty declared he cited the celse oad of one vs moi calm paper graded A as a war test by twit teachers switchers chers I 1 it t received marks all 11 al the way from 2 28 to 92 per cent another PAP paper graded by 42 teachers showed a difference of opinion ranging ft from 64 to al 88 98 per coal cent the pact present not anum immigration ign it an law which wed was ped pas fled early lost spring for the duration of one year Is now dow dose to 1 its termination and a amz committee ot alme dt cr congress Is taking an testimony many with ant a view ill w determining g what kimt changes it if any y to make it I 1 la the th law r eugene I 1 rubs debs socialist loader leader mi ar rived eved la A washington ind from atlanta aia aw M h oar v ing him been ralma released ind by presidential corn in mutation of sentence aen tence from the federal penitentiary there christmas day after haala having been imprisoned store since march lane 1919 tor violation ot of the espionage act aci the unlaced lenders leaders in an the domini OR ann cnn hatie hae rid rejected nd the a conditions a if for far withdrawal of the military government by the tha united states P proposed la I 1 the proclamation by the an mill in tarr may lane governor or ten last you june and ad the pop population has ua declined to an take any steps step to ho hold I 1 d the th necessary epeary election to carry them out L a a on one and ii one half im million a more jobi for adults would mould be thrown open ad relieve A the situ situation atlon III child labor were eliminated Sec of labor davis told the united pretest in an am interview both bath from toils standpoint rod and from the generall general standpoint of giving children a chance in life dala 11 app appealed led to an employ era tin ilia country over to cease the practice literal ol 01 children in the hest heartless atles maw of factories mines adon qua quarries rates and f barma tarma alfalfa meal ml com cane seed end and ad cotton it sued seed cake and dried beet pulp must all be class classified a fie it to lots lake a the rome game railroad rates ratta ined as cora rm and coarse grain in western trunk line territory accordi nir toa to ir chug f from the t commeria com a merra elcon commission 1 at the ruling operates to establish ilish a 10 per rent cent lower freight charge on the mule cattle foods named than be the existing rates on wheat the foreign t trade of the united states despite what ama some calamity howlers bowlers how lers say any la Is not lo 10 a the beart aft shot to pieces lecent according g to 0 K davis lip secretary detary ot of the national foreign trade tied memi council our exports for the tha last six elx months the byre been 93 63 per pat cent greater in VILL value than in 1913 as well as about 15 per cent t greater in ID volume and aad la in the aix 1 months ending september we be have exported expected commodities valued at 2 and have imported goods valued ut at FOREIGN th there a bre only 16 persona I 1 dally recorded annulled a as out of employment I 1 in araw france th the nation it I 1 is now to la a position to mecid receive foreign labor wadei ages b however ower owe r are low in to scales areas existing in greater industrial abnot countries A As a result it of regal negotiations tiow 1 in london L it but between representatives of the Ameri american oun administration died and leoma krabsen suntan russian soviet trade mam rep re the soviet gole government mannut lan has agreed to on turn tum 0 an er car the e relief organization M in gold to be used by lulio the malmo r for the purchase limea of foodstuffs and wed seed in america toe for re lief in the volga famine area am hane apka A declared th the A chinese detention very probably will carry the ba shantung alienating question before but the conference pd p d alip proper as 11 1 ac if no not expected that the jacow japanese government ill empower it if Idle gatlon to make may any tur far 1 ther her C concessions and aad I 1 it Is in this purpose rp of f the mit chinese deli delegates gates to stand sand 11 firm 7 against rd the c japan japanese proposal to mahe 1 ig the I 1 shantung lang mi railway imy im y a loan me rall railway and to put it on a parity with other jund f foreign trag loan A in china nine th the t ty between the states OR AS and colombia colomb reimbursing co h bombia lombia to an the be extent w of for terrt malI toral turid 1 loiseb she are sustained through f ran the setting up tip ot or im 17 republic 11 ll of pr fan aroa wa approved ppe it in the I 1 clia cibor at bogota columbia colombia after its 1 third man read log ing and ad be ba been signed good by the dent who accepted the made by the until united states a senate A device to guide alep airplanes larme in toys fogs or ar earth clinging clowd cloud which may aw lutio his commercial tri trial avallion avalt toa by iDa king kliu it AS absolutely reliable we a a other me ban been In vented Tented by a french marine rim of officer ticer 9 two hundred M thousand S d aliat anart 0 9 champagne worm were drebit more on than 3 about and approximately da headaches headache a are am report reported ad as the tha B statistic ys a complied compiled of the saint wat am anil I 1 i maintain christian eve v in ID the history I 1 of fp part 1 I |