Show DICE LONG KNOWN TO WORLD amusement 1 probably the mort meet A an dent game according to records of old writer the th oldest A a in the world I 1 18 dice throwing 1 in some amme toor orm another other dice baa la existed in n every aleu period ad ot of history they A are shown how on early TIT egyptian and name borne dug up at thebes thebe are exactly muslim to those the in use today they we re men limited in laws I 1 regulating games played in he ancient greece lead and borne end ami hobt ma other her countries in europe the invention ot of ill dies 1 la attributed to on mm of the home who lie safley against troy a about b out the year 1244 B C but the ao tiao ot of cb C cuba b with mith numbered numb eced aldea aid tr far gambling purposes p po As Is 1 probably much earlier frequent pasene im ge in 1 the norka cok of ancient to and ad a top in marblo marble ind and paintings poin tings show it how popular dho was A among them |