Show A TEETH FUND the latent vagary in boston is the proposition of a wealthy ladi to create a toola gunj for the L n chit of the public school children in chit cit she standa leady to pie if other ferons will inanc up the bal anco the income ironi the lund is to defray the cost of an annual ot the mouths of 50 pupils in the pub plat mtr lanng and then teeth and keeping rate condition for ahe mastication of the pork and leans and aih balest which turn sh the pro of the boston community abc docs equal credit to the bead and heair of abc lady but devote so much money lo 10 th pie cr ofin or aich is absolutely doomed aln man have had then li ablan rasa n si a like the muscles which remind na ot a tune when human beings worked their airs like the horge ind or the man hal no inife ind fork ho toie his dinner of alfh and loots with ins eno noua berth ho crusat d bones like hickory nuts in his lie apt hia molar incisors and in order by constant ue and when died at a rood ol 01 1 ace ho hdldn t an unbound tooth in hn 1 but bis de cen dens live on fluid and pulp winch need no chewing in 1 this i why de lists abound annl mouth is a oin apparatus of porcelain aej iced abter luann teeth in inn irom non u ml ddn will be a toothless ai well as les len monitor lr the elevators conveniences will chiv hiv his ings to reminiscent and oft ind 1001 vill haie hain to nature not anything iny thing not needed 11 ir dos do s sh or pans ta latonie obsolete |