Show CITY an to alib ark prk city vi ater V biks company action 1 the common council of park city or fining that alic park city ater ork company lt exl arc vested with alie nn pil lii 11 e lanes and allies of city fr alit i of yik lal for the and din of valer in rail city to tl 0 thereof for the acrin af auty year from and after the date of erdl hanco and with all 11 c egl t itna to alie i ropar and successful op f ration and prosecution t alio of im and of fr in ild city lit gild lanes an 1 ilecia ghyll at all be in ille to conform to alic crude thereof by bald city and pro tided that ls faaea and alkis eliell not at alnio he annc chai lly ob strutted ted and linia and alycya al all be to tho of bald passed K D P 1885 RAI V r stitt by the mayor attest U A Ilc cordet ff par city of utah county of summit si park city I 1 the undersigner undersigned under signed lle corder ind for 1 ark city in ald county and territory do certify tint the abot aind 1 t full true and con nn ceif titled an oranton Orant ln I 1 to the fark city vatar aika corn dinv inv ag patted by the common conn 11 0 1 and uy the mayor arti A D lwe ih ignets whereof I 1 have hereunto eel my han and af mi I 1 fixed the seal of said city hereto tills OU day of gebru aryai ich n A BOVAT I 1 ark city notice f forfeiture lo Jacott peter puffy F H amilton john 8 barnea barthole mew M smedley 1 fir or assigns you arc hereby that I 1 have cai ended fla for ax lor lohn GC for reier 1 iff for john I 1 hamilton for john 8 names and SM for M in labor and imp unon th eastern of alie kiy belt balm lalm situate in minnie aum aitor in order to hold gild under the revisions of section t etc of alic united being your pio gorlion of the amount required to hold the bamo for lie ar ending lt and ninety da after this notice you fail ot refuse to contribute your of such c cu deture lit co owner our interest in b ild clabin will become the property of the heirs of the estate of J baft of said estate talt lake utah I eb aird ass T C bailey asro tt ys leb 23 M y 33 NOTICE tf court of summit county 1 umi territory in the matter ol 01 the adoption of elizabeth filbert notice 1 ertly b mf alic under I 1 juda of tl 0 I 1 rotate court or burrt nut county lit h to all liPi ayle h that wil aam falb rf samiel I 1 fand maryjane Mary Jano at wood nil of in anid county and territory anve tiled in taid court a av c li of tl tin I 1 afore me in alio uc 0 two itic It nc for tho of 1 alth I 1 leaner T ill by th aid simuel t nd mir cinc nd that the hear in on uoti alic mill be biad I 1 etc re on monday ali alli day of marh I 1 at 10 u clock af ild adny in the I 1 ourt ro in of ni 1 cobit in the court house in city in B lid bunty ahen ant where an i cr sans inay ana contest iid r direct that notice lc in situ counti for th tc deeff n 1 af MA ayi aulk I 1 rrth i J 61 of alv sory of ettli at coi TC U t motch 21 irian aid john mcw L or alii cr me i oil cud eliat we liac diac expends 1 fol you in chincy anil labor upon the ran cr lody claim in district county utai alii sum one and t ft ar UK ear 12 f etch for mhd nr isai alid S chih r alic 11 that I 1 ein the amount ot yo r for alit 0 o ra ain 1 inlew you no the ettli n danyi from tl v i of notice iou in said clanie nil VS forfi ditc itc 1 tu 1 t y 01 erick i oc law as la uli casesi provi id 11 IT I 1 n I 1 mk H 1 to oart sum mil county etli f rolin oo 00 cr 1 i dc cl oti la f II 11 uli truitt td i ill 11 edit f T hu C or daic to 11 fc arc lifors f nil ns unal fio a 11 1 taibi tl m wilh it t acci r itla tin i ont s cc PT p i lit alun ir abia tur toll bud rit nr their i l omit VAA itta it KIIK A kinli t r 8 t will 11 taiti or J im 11 d li 1 it I 1 01 iv rt 11 i it ym tl 1 |