Show FOR KENT OB A of three rooms on pirl AT enco 0 o let or sale apply to nal t go to fuelling or toilet soaps half oili stationary tc HOUSE FOR RENT A house of three rooms furnished or unfurnished situated on marsac avo apply to A B johnson D KIMO LOST on thur day afternoon between the post officio and kaser friers hook etore a gold riffa with an wis lost the ani was ert araj E R P to M C J ind tho be suitably leaving ang at baser A sitf LIVING fr P ins ut received a consignment fit rotting mill 1 lour which he is offering to the publia at the low puce of 2 iv per pound i 1 hese anres aro at bed lock ind as conff as it is foible to keep them it 1111 ifal alit ji taju I 1 dmd IS aln fir ny it ra tm ll 11 let 3 afi er or itoiz I 1 1 mil liow t malm MI luc ll 11 lor tt efm 0 C 1 0 i to boll I 1 cli 1 po 1 tyli it cl ol 01 li lay ac ftc tie 00 aall ft K llew d J nd PO eulaa ift haidl ouk a d a liioi oi arro 1 ivl J e cutly box cf KO 1 wl 1 h ich ip a I 1 of c i to 10 ro cy als t adu 11 tl h s lo 10 in th H worl I 1 I 1 1 I a rit t 0 o work arx t ire V h A bijj ll 11 A K 13 aj 1 J st AD keeps constantly on 11 md a I 1 nil sup ply of S GOODS GEM SALOON OPPOSITE RECORD OFFICE FIRST CLASS IS EVERY RESPECT prescriptions carefully compounded day and might ED WHIT GOODRICH 1 weekly tiivi i to c nc machanic moc hanic ea i norin dic intention and f P 1 tory n ambor w th 1 I lid thi furn li 6 mott ot no pron choul I 1 without 1 ti ct tario TH rio tf cu if cir cullion cul tion birly 1 it of eyia ct tt r 1 ton hood arle emmr bof ab nb sold 1 til HUMN A acu I 1 abl hars no 11 y Y 11 0 I 1 and I 1 to lM preil dioro tl n ana hundri etious and or patent in tu octto at nd ctt att iredo copyright nl all other pia or mour ne to inT inton nn ahr r r gl f in clr 11 gem ny n I 1 pr pir 1 at notice 1 nd on arm ludorn antion hi to chstr kian without charge und bonk u ant fr I 1 II 11 nil A co anro noticed in th silent ala an nr on fri th of notly if wall by all atho biati to 91 arm bmw aci antwork Nt work f r TUG AM specialist of salt I 1 abc city ut fl 1 I BLOCK HIS aad ELEGANT medical and surgical T occupying the whole of the mod over an fn ir storey oil do r wet of tb biilly heradia north temple end f ifft south TT alfir ulf juul lock for ave beir and 1 a clat acry laro aud plia ant oms tl oro renova tc and rind at for 0 rooms con full iiii botne etc the biot physicians ar nants ol 01 s the fife consulting consul cains and oi S a 11 tinder large salines and 1 ready to answer calls day or IN Y int OF nie WEST free lecturer or dy and theli friend caery at 3 i rn for gentlemen un I 1 their eteri i at t 0 clock MI 10 bogn it I t 1 l aenlle inan pazienta pati enta ith appropriate TT J jf J elx J i M gaie the in skillful treat mant known to he world or all disease MI 1 known to men women ard chill rin all h ld II them pew and mi needed madl cil a id tiar stitt DR loot JR V attili tell you aa acir truth a posa iule ana fw n I 1 that this institute abair inc til respect res ana become tl e most cd in for it eikill and board at t us institute or adv pal of abc city flora lo 10 per week shahla sead postigo fir of questions circulars i tc betteis answered in ill Lingua ces macir 3 beit call at abe institute consultation free every one welcome and satisfaction s helber n I 1 nl il LINE r S WATSON heber lefry at 8 00 a m pa kity dally Frels flit and caora able nd for planting 11 ll vegetable nd hower WB A D in C 1 CITY BAM A KICHAR y K T irta t th sli ORES aa ale on it IM r 1 i 0 1 B jia tt ml i cl nio it iiii B ly nil 11 ll lut ekr tf larr td sn rr art anllo in llo vl mil scrip T w ru or aki arf J ibella mj olav artt chui bif na tatty franc bourdeux Borde ux ulrith KB I yon and pim ant ml Li liila ilu 7 hadj lud lt lorila rila uj g it jay no route itco aghon Lg hon MU buwi I 1 lermo bomb cirlo nicita ft ciolll ina bartl rrth th wibb AB ALL inn wall ritiro co mw tork fro k co ab afna nellt rr co at T ak amail 1 nil rrt A it cault acom scott bernini un IRO STEEL anvira picks aesy khouli bellaw janil ry mr ahn BI sf AND TOOLS t toralph fr llort BU aj e saw boilers hoisek f STOVES and n nf hoy nd bial t SALT CITY barf A SPECIALTY f ciry tan in cair f ri T 1 and re to da ia albi f j aror in tho botet ad boit crat aar all orders promptly cd to paint shoo attached place ff at effot ff joain BIRNE boot maker a lauffe stock oa I 1 am prepared to roae IB jhc thc lin of FINE WORK T A AT acl priced gibs MB A baiar W A COOPER m given to W AND sa a and nil oram prom t sl op t ie prk ark city cloel V ifal did you suppose Mu liniment only good for horses it is for inflammation of all flesh music furnished for PARTIES ETO first violin 0 wichman J WISH MAN cornet ta J Bs prompter W A HULKY business J elseman Wl SEMAN orders can bo left at amm HALL st marys schools PARK CITY conducted by the SISTERS HOLY CROSS tecc schoola re conducted on the ime plan astha act of alif countr pupils attending tl en fall alie that can I 1 c i of a first clas education the inglish Ing liah Matlie matic coc raph lid history i lannae music lancy of tins admirable institution is within the rechell liay commence at any alm for and annly to |