Show TIIE AT PARK CITY I 1 da for ornde and vc copy he following report of he boins hua ai the as published in tho 11 anne of the jtb tui reasons for doing alm 13 benin lias eien a lair nd is li is aoun anle diviny journals tit holois we feel liko bim al we ciu 0 enli lione vei to mention in connection imah bis sini ins b mn lake ind tint ot hu J 1 which ft is most b all another chobe anna we could net lebin also icing i thich was as it s in pro 01 lions will lop lc by all alio participated in the danic luo excelling excel lint fur bl olsons quadrille quadi ille bind was a alil of ilia kutyk lie inu up ard cicilo houi little acce ibo of maich was ushered into bark city quiet and it was ane da to winch all cooled to with a certain decree of ando and hut MIO not alone in thed ib wil conio abo anivol ot tins holiday ahe knights ot lidd arranged for i pai ido and dance and they anxiously 01 ind boita tha ivea lher would ba int tui this boino sent petitions to the weather dei ii ad if the did their app als biard und tur weather idU ted theria lor thi event noon thain brought bit knight oom 1 U a gentleman in the ot the K of V in this ler bir coin anandi r daniel air bi jas lulas if 3 ames agno isaroon of wasatch dimston 0 o antlake Alt LAke ait oit olsons kinei band about 2 0 clock the crescent Ore scent division mo U U K ot P and tho filin salt lake appeared in cronl ot cantle hall in lull sn knitht commander 1 0 armstrong was in command ot with bai knight commander I 1 L aborno in command division maish alsot the day beio pat pa t bir knigin kni git 1 Sc henik ot division yo anan kniat deniet dunn ot S division no 1 libey all in rank aad down alain sr ariet iet thence up musac avenue and up ontario headed b 01 bandi hie anif ats pie st anted a most aitt active app in then gay and sinning i met the sere faded the cilcy hotel the C aa B the ontario enill boarding houe mine boarding hou e no J ork the dirce ot 1 U ai d cr ia ia rank I 1 and the leid nce ot bir I 1 L jakab was not concluded until aboul when the knights disbanded in rood order ama proceeded to refresh them he and prepare for tho dince in the evening it is seldom thit 1 finer look en cn bo brought to tl in tho 0 ho n mhd of uniforms andai plumes advant iee and alo all s to that this was an occasion winch required tb m to conduct in a decorous and dig nied man of them champee champed their bis and arched their after the fa lion acen in adlen bj ind oth r nac n ac nian ii th the owning chent the dinac c ane i hall ach li carpe to a co 11 te of dan and the estimated number h 3 abely at recile 01 band j the best in tho re antory ho music jame cui ne icis so fi to our hen was absent burcl is place wis well supplied 1 mr J crouch who flave perfect at an earl hour the bind performed the brind march and wao cn cral foi I 1 rom this tine leilh the niebla feet of adies and did not cease operation except tor sapper until 5 p in chose atho in antei dance at this darce pronounce it an un disputed in oyt i ile chord i 0 can eio it no other raie ouid bo just is tt eaton any other occasion under the same and it la to be hoped in in fact bv some expected hoK ofa will in the cie us mother egand and dance PAI K march 13 1885 |