Show S pits 1 11 M deai iid mr 8 folding ins cipkin and ins chair bick fi om the table my deal ou iro i housekeeper and once in a chib ou cont tiie to cool up fur ibcal but have no business fool around a nance pic llivera neer vis but one annn that could make a pie and that wis my mathei I 1 thought his wis nica returned mi ju t a ottlo buived testing on lier lip 1 I ot it out of tho cook book and oud bertei i ut it richt back in tie book is a warning to aina tenis continued I 1 donesa tint this is ep cbill bad only it doen t with alt tho 10 of pie a they w eie instilled into n loump anni lou it out on ali it never hid am mother but it chasn t tho soul I 1 us d to ct out of pio lien I 1 li cd at iionno did oui nako tho cinci pie deira mrs j end ie it I 1 knew hat she u ed I 1 c auld get up one of winch ou cat si slice in of foai an 1 with t is f diff mrs i booked atly downward down and bian boldin knife plaiting tins in jhb table clochi gomel ci claimed mi roii ln chur ifju ve yut the sho on how to ia ike a pia that will draw aiom and mr led abe wa to the kitchel b re oui tray aai febi me tho band guillotine and the beefs look alive now in dai d ai and well ane with somo ner revelations on alis mince pie let me put this bir towel around yo to lou wont our ilithe bUit cd mra out i huc tra h toffel that for d hi lin band it mth no amount of livoi which end of tie pie is that t birg opposed to hive in ili if I 1 mike up nay mind etli I 1 appt hat his pie wants to behaved III pit on this shirt but in the mcintire mcinti me I 1 want loom foi all my limbs no ho continued as he dumped the beef and apples into iba tri and went at iv tho c lopping inifi now you watch the and note how the pie begins to proportions dian didn t our mother ap pp the apples batore chopped thera akad mi lh mr up aid looking ino the liay ind he admed im laboid vt h still more en arpy iliou did cheif you I 1 suppose ou the beef too h 1 don t know ana ho stopped ehni t and his work it rae this ineat i auld climp fidei if bo no one hid dropped a piled nver on it once or ou don t want cur meet too ahne and I 1 tins will do and mr dike set the tiac hill of lumps on the table and rolled up his alcee hat will ou hie now dear in quiren iiii stife sotie flour a id water mr ch enl benl its the crust ot ih pie thit is its and I 1 in vo ny to tun outa slab of that will b a nt to the artist who is weaving jimme the flour and gatei while I 1 feel as one abon the spirit of a successful pie rests visible I 1 1 an plse dear she ed as mr wet down hi bour and his hitt into the paste i but profound olence re plied her burband I 1 he chief trouble with the crust to air pio is tint ou allow our it to ba at tho moment I 1 on alie con daiy will stop losing overcoat tor that mince moat just at the ecord it beache and he slammed in mort flour ind d dyain into lna ambitious ambit ioui effort in the wa of cm t 1 here isaid h ben he had fought it to of sand and mucilage and folkl it out into thian chunks is the triumph of pie over lad out the pin wham the boja would honor and lets oe how this combination of hereditary and bardius will go when it is mrs hindee him a pie pin into which he dropp d hia bottom crust and then louied in his meat lift 5 our teeth pretty to set around somo of that meat he oh hemd as he tiled to poke the lumps into potion with a stick I 1 in not sure whether moll er used to pi ite the meat or ci ick it with i but it don t make much it s tho crust that bilks alif n ou come to con on pie now ou do this and he he top crust with hia thumb ind affet it on thus you pinch it around lie csecs so hees my mottier to have an old wheel out of a wooden dock and she printed land snaps in boles ill over the pie hut that isn t it adds lustre but no dignity to tho now we put it in tho anen this wie wi e and in a short tune vis will have accomplished in the iino diala line of pie it is wonderful how well you remember how your mother made them smiled mrs you andly bebau it beats said mr kindly you wont cr an 5 he chucked lier under lie thin aind opened the stove booi boseo how were progressing try not to replied mrs 4 copen diat castin r hei eyes down an acup something some thinK that sounded like a fb 1 atts see you stick in i broom you yoa ant to know il the piu ii done houi broom show mo tho hippy broom that 13 lobe by te detiny tiny tins krind mrs produced pro dured tho broom ind hn hustind carefully caie fully w lentini lec tini ono ol 01 the splints away at iho it on ten ml lio another m i lenies ahto hoilko i willi alio bigom ideen t you rot a broom that about its besmen busmen 01 11 ono of elioso brooms fiat won t sunda ind ho up icv ci il mon saints in i win to the ra hoidn t ou bufor hv bo hindle dear suf rested ailt k no I 1 1 t better arv ho hind ie darl mr 1 e con Q out lets ere be foi uncalled foi ence mi hiah d his pio t tho oun ind fired down got an fidei ou air goin to ba lisas bated 1 a b lint chink ionio a of american ind I 1 oun 1 to besent lion don t P eh louain t ou re pie coin to stud intoe a coh chisik and a cainnon and then atit bd at wibb t then with 1 inife pi educing alio f un ion yin ro bp in pia ahard e s pobe fie matter atio he astred to liia mile oui I 1 should ind in ne caust ro turned mr complacent ay iy 11 don t knort ho t hit ou pant acne trae etith a baione tl mi upon abom it began to darn aliat liat va a toil nacie almost forgotten forg otien how inot lipi daiil try pica to seo if the were done did ho eer kiy a club fc ti aso she dian didn t lr a clabe loarce mr cono hither m pen in pic hi howled planting bis aist in the middio of the listen to tie voice of ho in and h it on lie hoor and planted am hel on it 1 aront booi plod foi en tance it the back and he kicked ane wh ie business to the mut bins boen very vigorous viE orous for bi ao mr nd ke calmly lump nailed mr the pie ini examining its bompa attentively 1 I tl douht thet d melt when sul 0 o intenzo heat the inside of that pie i ill baht if I 1 could only set the lid off aidt achin I 1 can eft dundei hs eato and lilt the gun me that can opener hoop indio ki ahl all together toge bowl who e ea I 1 hero she cones an ho culat eave way re adlin chunks of beef and apple raring half cooked and still steam inar mother put in he spices and cider hided man had frencl ed the pie open clr solemnly oi do doea squealed mr quat tin down binl his inadi on ln enec ilisie hf pd IH hii face lump of quicksilver you calloni cal loui inird has ot round to wacie it the sup bubines his it P rip you don t like the pie I 1 s poe oue cot some fashionable notion that iou don t care to with tins pie well I 1 don t force un plesant ant acquaintance on m aft l I 1 belice in makina homo a paia disc I 1 do go tort IP aal he shaid it the dindor windor yas ash ind all that suits ou he belled moral feel relieved b the pie ou have iren in casting dpn lh cl ill ea charities of an I 1 eues that pio cin take care ot mrs soothingly I 1 lie next tnie I 1 make tiland havo it juat as your uel to oi 11 fetch ill hoarel mr and down ie kitchen ind the flour coat lou never have any with things after 1 leave cu howl some dav 1 ird in houi pai and finice in oui ec and leave vou in the oven to reflect on how like to be intellectual so cial jut b caduta ou am t bialt baked and mi slammed thac door after hii aej el the stan s with a beav I 1 don ture mis swept up the debris 11 dont care it that is the way his moth el mado pie I 1 don t wonder it alst a strong impression on in maud and avith this charitable view ortho si tuition mra sat down to consideration 18 to rhe d better make a false trim for her abw black kilk diacek s maga zinc |