Show I 1 me CHRISTMAS 1 aco aiu oilier 1 u aarl city lile ill other park cita made extensive for christli Christ mi and the arrangements wei commenced early so everything could bp as complete as possible the festivities by the city sunday school saturday evening than ic the officers ind leicher oi the school foi labor and puns in the treo or tha ion the therry of the children told too their aej of the tree loaded with the presents ba foro them ibe entire at hernoon was spent in an ginging and decorating the tree for abo evenings at in earla baui and grown persons commenced gither ing in tho school and long before 7 ocl ocL the hour appo lor abo ot the exercises all alie sitting and room in hool house was taken up ws indulged in and then followed letter filin santa claua who hid so ganv pacas to visit that he hid toive P irk uit tho go li aua a lew a L the distribution ot pre ertta commenced Cc indic nub pop coi n balls bobki and small tors for of the sandly were ahe to be distributed then tollow ed abo distribution ot pies ants man of which were costly and band bOrne were cheap and designed for merriment boina were unfortunately was naina to the less of a poi tion ot the nimes of he of the school in is vry much by the iba expenses of the WAS borne b the ly and the liberal donation of a lew bienda ot the the children for the time bein were is hipp a be and departed for their homes with an innate desire loi moie of this chancier at half 11 0 clock i of people might badeen winding tb ir wa to that beautiful little church itin dinyon a simply it lathe ot i divine rounder der it v i thit great tea cival ii be source an of all inn ju acl the church adi den it h crowded when all of tin the iab beautiful notes backe alo ilan o of abe and the aloir sang ile firt of tho blymn tho the hoi ilas abo pastor rev D hicl took to explain tle meaning of the nants and odthe abard in the beaning ot of tie is gently man did so n a manner so catir 11 d to cair y conviction to the minds ol 01 his audience not only ot their beauty but 1 bow well tl ey were to napua devotion and in the human heart at the mass the choir u in style the kare elicon it WAS in a style scat cily if heird imong the lagged hills ot after abe copl filici kea a splendid sermon upon the of the lakind tl e bible ss a rican recoil which allilu proved aiom fits alio most convincing that ie 13 u than a feie meie hanm wing he showed th it ilone wn the lie proved Hip sef to bs lie caid end he never asserted assert fd dinv inv tiling without impelling to abc reason of alse 1 e addressed addi essed and enrit by ns cleal ind so well is to leave no room f r doubt cd a religion whick adb to last to the consummation ot age and foi an others to cidio to establish my ollied that ds without proving it bv facts clear toi it is an old ind well regulated pun ciple that amt is graciously averted cm be iu ny 1 be alono in 1 dio and cudo was aung in a which reflects honor not only on abo o who pait n it but upon tho ment to which anny ut them 1 el n vi st SIar vs icv did call piece adello 1 lacle 1 was in a very creditable manner at the conclusion of tho masscho beautiful beau hi vani acsa wis which impressed fall with devotion and badt the willi ot iho BOW edifice sl iko to their cr foundations Ms annie bakan played abe orm and all credit is due to her fbi the ibe an accomplished in which she performed par formed aci pirt bieh n umbel of voices could le thoo tho o of mits D st lr academe and mrs chis chields ho djs pi iud ibid the people with ious of jhb alous ands spread ovi who had the glenous and T alie bendjy school chollis cho liis iu hou e on sunday ivonn 0 o tiie chiljian had their pi ts well abid apol 0 w hid minority mijo rity ot cise loua and distinct shepherd and nattie Iloe crt cacti and ahe orvii which elicited appline aiom the audience ol 01 wha had parts were not alich made tho latici choit in the intuit theo itolle dit clep imio will le ivo bcd is burh 1 as tho public stem st em to take a deeper in alie e 1 I rn adv thins adso hit u rotten op to en and amuse tamn llin pit puts tool reat pride in their child ibn a fact thit aha officers and tel cheis fully with tho social coi ditl of frienda and weilu thit dicupe dicu pd ahn merits ot arc roasted luikis around the baird the midnight revels over tho spi iLlin nectar and wound up the ln paik cil ariy in the dim future amas ot on the distant ithra i mei apeck and dice inalle in the minds ee but it arrott ind how ot u who anny fee it fully ed will it and us men ind womb from our experience ot the pit pai vo leave the solution of this problem with oni readers ind hopu they will endeavor to pi LY the mistake tha ha made m the |