Show FLOA S new to all griir exceeded abu most expectation one of the lively esporti for the boys now days a number of arunka and a very few eore heads PAT up your subscription to abe printer and start new with tho aa ans tippet it the hill was well patronized throughout the fair and sleighs are abundant on the streets moonlight evenings will be high held at thi catholic church to morrow at 10 80 A HEW addition is being added to mrs bourne boarding bouse increase ef business necessitates it A number of hydrants aro frozen ap snow m now the order of the day ft ith many IP you want to appt in idzi of odd fellowship attend the public installation on tho cven inar of january acra for tho s mis bill can ic purchased at the ontario mine and mill ind it bouli erty A bo armins and street coates Midway itea cupped thal licht fantastic toe last saturni Sat acht ani apet the stove a number of times in abo hall jolly crowd hey turn themselves loo e VACATION with our public school ends with this weel school commences com merces aest monday mornine and we presume the scholar will stait in aith now le 18 the simo as many of us alie rafello for abe doll house pro by U P ferry to the dional wll not come off until nil the aie taken the ahonso can be spen it coates confectionary while hootin ff at at the fair on wednesday a bentle raan accidentally discharged disc harped one of the puns shooting a 22 bill which i man acir the tar a u wound 19 he ainar ap rapidly ami tho crowd hid dip d from the hall thursday malit ss turned over thi for the purpose oi it iday hie wa all cove cd with ice which to abe question would not the hall boale a good link ii anothy column the adver ament for tho odd fellows public in ball an unusual de ursa ice pi events f this lode for the ill ar jei next any awill ro doubt be A P R aught to bo one 03 cupit and aiken audgo magin seams to be the cora vw J adro bore hi hon ire as as christmas look of us seirs liddle cos and 1 F keehr Kee lr celebrate the 1882 with as many festivities and presents aa yon did a week ago AT tha of the silver spring mining company the following officers wre elected for the ensuing L simon president Pre aident L hoyt secretary and beven thousand thou sani elarea of tho capital stock were voled to be placed on the marmot at cents p shire he proceeds to bo applied to tie pioppi ty finchel will open ina new hotel to the on 1 he ast 1st ot banual Ja nual when he will set before his min patron menu oboy ter and chicken coup fried scalloped and raw osacr ost cr duels quail tin ley and din brry same etc celery gran apis pud hnis and pie fruits nub coffee and tea it w 11 be ag fine a a tho most rein taste con id desibio THE finest holiday di play siw was that mida b ahir ot bo B o par tie tiei i froia silt like tall us that t X anything in that here onca beir old heifer over coundi presed A mciff of their ofin rai sini dressed over 49 and a sheep the heaviest va havo seen oer pounds all of the spar room in their large market room wis talan ap with choice macit and all tastefully decorated with lo ettes in mal gnp annual displays and in Icee pinar their market with ha best of 1 monday ait Robby Tait met with an accident that cime coshnia hun his lafr white riding one of wall wrights to iter it took friglet and stalled dowid on i wild ann just m front of the st ible it nn nto a bu which it upset and rob was thrown cipar over it ind landed on DouRb city kiich theia h was carried into the storo pr M was ancl and after ai alie boy all nit with alie of ono 01 two bruises after the hobby pot up end l hemf ml i now ible to ride any othir bugnit buL nit hordes in the edip 0 at fair 1 nation VHS caused ty theer ot fire vi inch was called by the tto e in he the hill alno eted over it was immediately however b bystanders who col ali ir fing ars b 11 elif hl abe oiw ration hiruo it looked latr caora horror toie ord for immediately upon tie bains anven a bican which aia on bv the achens of a few men in the hoac abo faced the f bowd and kepi b stu kint lliam on hie and wilb beir abts one man pin gotlie door closed it and bc it sh it eiband struck up a bluely lii chith nn one lady dai |