Show it rowal row tl c by yim RECORD A heavy snow storm set in early this momma anil haa con 1 tinned throughout the daiy diy this i the harbt of the season and for i beginning will answer ver will as it al ready readied i depth ol 01 fifteen binche acce and plenty abound herc and business in condition ire four saw inilla the nt wilh a capacity of feet of lumber i dav though all aie not a on full tune bumbel of every variety is hsie ind to a largo extent finds i market in employment to ill the sui plu iron and teams in hauling the loss to the and from the buot to mil let I 1 am told thit there is sufficient timber convenient to th mills to keep them for everil beir and that tina bianca ot business is inci easing early thero i a hugo kocl interest inter pst here ilo arial a areat portion ot fit bittle and thair vav to the paik hoyt ind james mccormick own the largesse larg esst heads heids of beeves hilo many others are engaged in puru ils the crops lat ason acie excellent beld per abic and a gi cater is than ary year p devinis kanj new settlers have been added a carais has i population ot about COO large stoies doingo ibsine Im sine choie of U leonais and tho coop mr his the abo alie co op beope have just i stone sie building feet with thirteen eiith cd lir eight and a half under ue whole building bui ldina the tudo is about divided between two firms our former townsman mr noblet bis i saloon ind bubines bu sines 1 in his lire wm dillon has completed a new blacksmith and is with there are tv schools avith in dail itten dinco of about seventy pupils their tearh cis are cpr and aie devoted to the advancement of re v chancre char cre siti 4 ictor kropi s bis been made thus far dunoff he term and an unusual manifested in lie ciu e of education by both old and there is some t lk of i night scan 1 to accommodate elioso yo are not able to dunbar the daiy diy the festi itic ere well observed aad on fondd there were tareo dalcine in oitt of the town the city is and its inhabit int are thrifty ind bapp R G dec 1881 |