Show of anxiety tho crow have been heard ditl ono 01 two ei captions the crew are all saved moa the particulars are at the present enough has been obtained to warrant the statement that the men are safe and by this time secure aiom the dangers of an arctic aea but the jeannette Jean his found an icy grave notwithstanding il beaded strength july ath 1879 when the sailed from san francisco it was predicted that she was built to repel ny attacks the ice might malac apon her but this proved to be only a tl prophecy on the of june last according to engineer melvillee Mel villes despatch to the legation at fit petersburg the ship was ed by ice and crushed so badly as to compel the officers and crew to embark in smaller boats lieutenant de long who had previous arctic experiences as an officer of the tigress expedition when in search of he was of the opinion that tho jeannetto sufficiently strong to resist any ico bergs or goi abo practical test set aside theories and at the cost of tho lives ef aci entire trew wib it ascertained that her strength was inadequate for the in isson designed for it every conceivable precaution against an accidents that occur was put into force alie vaa selected with tho utmost care from 1400 applicants and an old northern whaler was taken along as an ice pilot all proved too acal for the mutable nu table and tho expedition at a terrible suffering and the loss of enate lives is a failure the sufferings of the men perhaps exceeds that of any other polar expedition inasmuch as aley brero for months exposed to the cwi es of the p artly open polar fea with no other protection driving sleet bit that afforded bv open belts it may be safe to y that lieutenant de long and his tar eving rapi will not care to nitice ny more attempt to discover the north pol specially in bubb n ft ail concern the proved to be ideal of austice aro by civilized people our minister at constantinople has been informed thit the cami bal who murdered impi dr justin W u tho american missionary died over a year ago minister of justice his courts that slavery tho colo it is reported that an intel national exhibition 11 take place at shanghai in in imitation or less of the melbourne and sidney display though a somewhat hazardous expel I 1 ment it is said that the organizers organ feel certain of a success on account of the grow ing appreciation of the importance of the chinese market for european and american manufacturers use of the american word cin is becoming common in england Eng lind and the london newspapers are puzzled over its dentition denvit ion it is said to have come from caulkers caul kers meeting held by boston ship yard employees in anti times all conferences to arrange for political action were soon called caulkers caul kers and in time the term became baucus sau cus THERE is a cornwallis coming from england to this country now who will capture us instead of being captured the celebrated english beauty mrs Coi nallis west will keep house for her widower bi other m law the new english minister at washington time brings about its revenges Is an attempt has been made in the county of cork to assassinate the son of smith obien the it eland is now bekc published in london it is said that mr connor M P will lead the irish party in parliament IT complaint is made of the of the emperors name in the debates in the A been sent to gilfor ail for insinuating that the alleged throats life were election doddea THE CANADIAN government has demanded from the leading banks oath it country elaborate statements showing the character of all bank investments A DESPERATE fiant eld uncle winglup Win glop A time honored pi eicher who has among the h for forty who in his lounger days was known aa the wheel borsai came to little rock and called at the gazelle ofhie my son george said jesse to the political man has just graduated rom the red bluff academy and after sauntering around among the profess ion peeping into lawyer ounces and poking doctor shops and not being satisfied he has concluded to learn the editing business I 1 know how much fun has been made of men v homant to be editors but of course I 1 understand all abit at first id like tor take hold of the religious department lor ou enow hit I 1 can help him some ive got four or five old sermons that id like to run in old sermons preached long before men thought of bottine out now I 1 now don t ridicule the idea uncle jesse replied the political man with something of a sigh well hold a cabinet meeting sometime during the week when your sons caso will be considered it encouraging to see that church members aie seeking journalism and I 1 hive no doubt but that will be ot advantage to us but I 1 must go to dinnee now just sit down here among the exchanges and amuse yourself until I 1 leburn the editor R en t down and the old man took out his spectacles and began papers with a newly awakened idea of importance the editor bad not ben b en gone but a few moments when a burly looking man entered ali edito rial room and the surrounded by a ruffled landscape lind oi badly handled capois exclaimed all I 1 ask ot you is to let me shae the little rock dut fron my feet do you hear TOU spectacled fragment of mortgaged menagerie bat do ou mean exclaimed tho old dmn in surprise just let me shake this dust off you gaping erwill of flat footed igno ainoo slander a man as yon did me this morning and then say you dont know v hat ha means 1 I never said a word about you in my life sir let me shake off this dust and then rou can slash and slather my memory nice old stretcher of the truth 1 do iou mean that 1 have lied 1 I do hie old nan hopped ackois the loom and grappled the ins niter the ight was earnest and ani when the editor cimo back the top of the old mans head was smeared with ink and alie insulter WAS lying in the ball sort of a monkey and time is the feller says remarked the old man 1 I say I 1 believe george will change his mind you needa t call hit cabinet meeting talk about a religious department you sack full of horse pistols |