Show NEW once more the b ind of time points on tLe ditl of oui existence an warns us of the celoso of another at the commencement of 1881 we all had our expectations of a bright and prosperous career some of us could see happiness in store for the next twelve months business pi ejects looked en rosy checks and mirth lal countenances a year ago seemed a sale barrier against disease and death but at the clean up on the last day of the old year demonti ates too plainly the frailty of human hopes and anticipations the fickle goddess has turned a cold shoulder upon many of us who worshipped wor shipped at her shrine and has abundantly bun dantly blessed those whom we thought were less favorable in her estimation many old familiar faces have disappeared from our midst and their places filled by new and shange ones from the arena of action somo have been called novel to return and while there is a constant yearning for thoc who never return the world moves on and in a busine 3 point of view these vacancies to all outside appearance re filled up and the hum of industry continue sickness and misfortunes bus frustrated the plans of many and they look back over the past with a feeling of gratitude grateful to their creator for his unceasing watch and ca them all grateful hearts have much to be thankful for and as we stand at the door ready to ushii in the new year wo ask oui selves the question how many of as will be here to welcome the new year of 1883 while we meditate solemnly upon this question we are suddenly roused from our reverie by a gentle tap at the doer we open it and be bold tho new acir stands on the threshold and we admit him he is jolly young fellow and brings with him dance parties social gatherings kad all manner of ments for us to enjoy ourselves we enter into these festivities with all our hearts tor pelting the thoughts that occupied our mainds only a bev moments before and perhaps t ey never again attract our until the scenes are re enacted abear harce aben let ua banish sad thoughts and ad with buoyant spirits aluie our experiences ve as a light to our artune and health have erred and if T our knowledge of feairs of the future reec permitted to see can look back upon a barthin yar thin |