Show I PARK CITY PERSONALS Mr Paul W W. Peterson of ot Wells Well Wellsville ville Ule Cache County visited lIlted sited with his hI parents Mr and Mrs Don lion Peterson In Park ark City for tor 8 several eral days daY the past post week He lie had been on a field trip In CI County Mr and Mrs Hud Dud Hall hail and family of ot Layton were visitors during the past paRt week at the homes of at Mr and Mrs Mra 1 Don bon on Peterson Pet iet erson arson and Mr and Mrs Barney Darney Hall flail Hoy Fletcher Bill Dill Nell Jim namu 1 and Slats Slata Thompson Thomp son enjoyed fishing in Utah Lake waited walled all aU winter to get out for tor waited all aU winter to get our for forthe forthe forthe the first time A fine tine bench has been put In Inthe Inthe inthe the small entrance area of the Salt Lake House and end Is occupied d daily dally when the sun un shines by our good men folks who pass a pleasant plea sant cant hour In friendly talks and reminiscing and thoroughly enjoy the fine tine weather Mrs Mildred Wheeler was hostess hoe hos tess tees to the Past lIast Chiefs Chief's Club Clu b atthe of at the Pythian Sisters at her home homo I Monday evening Bridge bingo was played prizes going to Eva and Leila LeUa Fritch Dainty refreshments were served to the fifteen guests present Mrs Maude is enjoying a visit In Park City with her sisters Mrs Mra Fred Eley Mrs L. L L. L Thompson and Mrs Mra Clara Shea and her daughter Mrs Frank flyer Dyer and family She will wilt be welcomed wet welt corned also iby by her many friends Mrs Hazel Taylor clerk of at the Board Doard of Education Park City School District returned home from rom a very pleasant and Informative tive Ive week spent at Utah State University in Logan where she attended a workshop for school business justness officials She reports a I very tine flee session lon which she he e gretI greats great 7 ly enjoyed I Mr Nr and Mrs t James JUmes Wright and family of ot St. St George were were week weekend weekend weekend end guests at the home of ot Mr and Mrs Mu John rolling Collins at their home on Rossie lull Hill JIll I. I Jay Collins la Is enjoying a visit home from his hili work In Winnemucca Nevada Miss Norma Grose Groso daughter of ot Mr and Mrs Mra Thomas Thomas Grose Groso is a patient In the tho Heber Reber Hospital where she Is r recuperating from froman froman an appendectomy my Her many friends wish her a speedy ery Mrs Harvey Gonzales of ot S Salt lt Lake City and Mrs Jay Lopez Lopea of North Salt Bait Lake daughters of Mr and Mrs Addison Macey of Park City have been house guests at atthe atthe the Macey home bome the past week j i These TheBe well welt known young matrons I were called home due to the seri seri- i otis ma Inner ot of their father tather Add Addison f Mate e who we to loreI lore tofa fe I port O t is ta no now recuperating a at bit hi hl h home me on Wood Avenue i i ii Add Addison I son Ad Macey Is recovering recovering recover ing from a serious Illness at the Miners MInera Hospital where he was Wall taken Monday last Ad has been b n nIn ni In health for some sometime i poor pool quite some lame sometime I time and his friends wish him himi hima i a hearty g get t well quickly I 1 Dr a and d Mrs r William M. M Me Me- Phee of Salt Lake City j panted by Dr McPhees slater sister i Mrs l Janet S. S Roxburgh of Green Greens Greenrock I rock Scotland S were Sunday visitor I tor at the home of ot Miss Mary I Shields In Park City This is ls s the tle tint first time Mrs Mra Roxburgh hai visited the United States She will 11 be the house guest of Dr tr and Mrs for tor three j months at their home In Salt Lake City I Mr and Mrs l David Loertscher I and JM Carla Loertscher returned return return- Jed ed home from a pleasant visit with their son eon David who la Is stationed at I ort Fort Ord at Mont I erey and pre r ri i lent bt at the t t l lt i there t The mew me members tit ere of ol the family r enjoyed a fine tine Visit and delight delight j ft fu ful trip by auto going the south mouth j I era ern route and missing th the snow now and cold c At long last we are enjoying beautiful spring days In Park City Clear meal blue skies and warm suns sun sunshine shine i |