Show I I I Homemakers Hear Talk on Fixing It The Marlon Marion kera met metat metat metat at the home borne of ot Laura Simpson March arch 17 fl Miss Mias Naomi Jensen County Home Demonstration Agent was waa in 11 attendance County Agent Agen Lloyd Clements Cements conducted a v very ry Interesting an and Instructive it fir school He lie bowed II how lo 10 repair wallboard wall wail board wall wail fix ele electrical appU af outlets and cords etc ate and anda a answered questions l In general r repair re ra pair l on household articles Hostesses Laura Simpson Laile Lalle I IMitchell Mitchell and Barbara Simpson served refreshments to the following fol lowing towing Naomi Jensen Lloyd Llord CIa Cle wants vents Eleanor 8 Sargent Marjorie Hardman Florence Floren Mitchell Nonna CJ egg gg Florence Rockhill Edith Hoyt Royt a Lewis Lorene Lorne Lor Lor- ene ne and Melba Real Deal flie e n Jt in meeting wUI wll b be April 1 At t the home borne ot of Melba Deals BeaU |