Show v Two Girls Tie r I for Elks Student Award Park City Lodge No conducted the annual Most lost Worthy Student contest recent recent- ly 1 The area included d in this this contest covering Summit Wasatch Wasatch Was Was- atch atch Duchesne Duehesne anti and coun ties and contestants contestant being students stUd studentS stu stU- d dents nt l of high schools in these counties The awards is based primarily on scholarship followed by school and community activities Park City High School had the honor of having two girls tie for this award and a 2500 Savings Bond Dond was presented to Janet Carpenter Reed and Janet Stanton Stanton Stan- Stan ton tun as the winners Janet Carpenter Reed is the daughter of ot Mr and Mr Mrs Otto Carpenter and Miss Janet Stanton Stanton Stanton Stan- Stan ton is the daug daughter ter of ot Mr and Mrs James Stanton These two students placed fourteenth fourteenth four tour in the list of States State's Most Worthy Student contestants Park lark Cly residents offer congratulations con to these splendid students for tor the fine record they have made and to Park lark City Lodge No for tor their sponsorship sponsor I Iship ship of this very fine Cine project |