Show I I COALVILLE COALVILLE- I Mrs Bernett Smith Mrs Grace Wright Mrs Beth Wheaton and andI I Mrs Mra Ruth Wilde of Coalville George GGeorge Smith of Dig Big Piney Wyo and Mr and Mrs Irs Darren Darrell Smith ot of River Wyo attended funeral fun fun- eral eal e-al services in Magna last week I for for their law in and aunt Mrs Florence Smith Coon a ana na native native na- na tive of Coalville Mr and d Mn Sherrald Lewis Lewla and three children of Afton Alton Wyo spent the week end in Coalville with her parents Mr and Mrs nibs Stacey and family and her grandmother Mrs Judith Beard I Other guests were Mrs Dorothy Jensen and son Dwayne of Salt Lake City Mrs George Sealos of Pocatello Idaho Idabo is visiting this week with her daughter Mr and airs drs Everett Ever ett Shaw Mrs Kenneth Rees returned to toCo I Co Coalville from fram Baltimore Mary Maryland land where she had been called Iby by the death of her father George II L L. L Kunkel 57 who had died sud sud- suddenly suddenly denly ot of a heart attack Mrs Rees was a away way for two and a half halt weeks During this time her sons eons Kenny Ricky and George orge remain ed fd with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Ralph Roes Rees Mrs Vera Fox and children Jeanie and Spencer of Rock Hock RockSprings RockSprings Springs Wyo sPent spent three days last week with her father Joseph II Wilde WUde and sister Mrs Reva Rova I IDall Ball Dall and family I Frank Toole and daughter Frances Toole Tool of Rock Hock Springs Springs- Wyo visited in Coalville lat fast t week with his bis mother Mrs Mra RobI Roberta Roberta Rob Rob- erta Toole Miss Toole was en en- I route home from Utah State Uni Uni- Uni I i for a short visit between terms |