Show A SAFE PLACE FOR FOK MONEY WE LIKE the plan fathered by col flank knox ot of the chicago daily daay for an issue ot of baby government bonds lo in be offered to everybody ever body in the effort to induce people are afraid of banks r d of other forms of imes investment to take their money out ont of hiding and put it n A here it it bill III earn something and be use ue these bonds we understand are to be issued in denominations as low as fifty dollars and will pay interest at about 3 cent if they are not sate safe then noth g Is these bonds to become la 11 bould mean that the government of ti united states had collapsed and ere Is no fear of that even eien among the llie most timid we hope that some heme dieme nill be worked out ii hereby they tan ian be offered at every post office we still think the best place to put rianey maney Is in a sound bank but vie lie cant very cry severely the people who fay they do not know how to tell ul whether tether a bank Is sound or not we are hopeful that the financial relief mea tres res adopted at washington will put an a a end to bank failures but in the long un tin the bhole banking structure hill ili have to be revised the great majority of the banks which ive ve failed in the past three years should never have been permitted to start bust busl ness many of them were established over the lie protests of responsible financiers ahoo objections were overridden by the political pull ot of the bank organizers there should be no connection Bhat nha teler eier berneen banks bank and politics and no politician bician should eier eer be permitted to have a traceable interest in any bank politics politico Is 11 an industry whose operations are in the nature of favors banking Is a sacred ed mern trusteeship of 0 other peoples mo money ney and no honest banker can have a single I 1 agle favorite |